Accessible Course Materials What are Accessible Course Materials? From the National Center on Accessible Educational Materials for Learning: Accessible educational materials (AEM) are...
Brightspace – Guest Access for UVM Affiliates Guests in Brightspace can only view content. Guests cannot access any course tools like assignments, quizzes, or discussions. Brightspace refers...
Brightspace – Accessibility Checker and Ally Accessibility Checker The Accessibility Checker is available within the Brightspace HTML Editor when you create or edit HTML content pages....
Brightspace – Add TAs and Course Builders In Brightspace, instructors can now add UVM netID users as Teaching Assistants, Course builders, CTL Support, or Read-Only roles directly...
Brightspace – Announcements Overview Course announcements appear on the homepage of your course. Instructors will see the small down-arrow next to “Announcements” and...
Brightspace – Assignments Create Assignments Assignments can be created in two ways: Click Course Tools on the green navbar, then click Assignments. This...
Brightspace – Bulk Manage Dates This article describes how you can edit both due dates and availability dates for all your course content at once....
Brightspace – Calendar The Brightspace Course Calendar is a useful tool for students, displaying due dates for assignments, when content will become available,...
Brightspace – Cengage Integration Instructors: Cengage (WebAssign) Integration with Brightspace Connecting Your WebAssign Course to Brightspace 1. In WebAssign, create your course the usual...
Brightspace – Checklist Overview Instructors can use the Checklists Tool to help students stay on track with assignments and tasks for a course....
Brightspace – Class Progress The Class Progress Tool is available to both instructor and students in the Course Menu under Grades & Feedback. Features...
Brightspace – Classlist The Classlist is directory of names of all individuals who have access to your course, emails, and group settings which...
Brightspace – Completion Tracking Tool Set up the Completion Tracking tool The Completion Tracking tool in Brightspace helps students stay on track with the course...
Brightspace – Content & Activities Course content in Brightspace is organized by Modules that are, essentially, folders. Modules organize the units of your course, for...
Brightspace – Copy, Import, or Export Courses or Components Video instruction (4:32) You have two options to access the course Import/Export/Copy feature.Select the Gear Icon Go to your destination...
Brightspace – Course Builder Using the Brightspace Course Builder Course Builder Overview The Course Builder tool is useful for creating a draft of a new...
Brightspace – Course Merge Requests for merging courses are now approved and managed by the Registrar’s Office. To request merging sections in Brightspace, please...
Brightspace – Create a Sandbox Course Space UVM faculty and staff can create sandbox spaces in Brightspace. Sandbox spaces will never contain student enrollments. They are not...
Brightspace – Create Wiki-like Page in Teams Brightspace does not have a wiki tool. Instead, you can add collaborative working spaces and/or sign-up sheets in Brightspace by...
Brightspace – Discussions The Brightspace Discussion tool allows instructors to set up forums and topics where students, TAs, and instructors can post threads...
Brightspace – Email, Notifications, Profile, and Account Settings Brightspace Email Send: You can send students emails from multiple places in your course (e.g., the Classlist, the Grade Book,...
Brightspace – End of Semester Checklist The end of the semester is a good time to take care of any number of housekeeping tasks regarding your...
Brightspace – Find Your Course Pinned For convenience, you can pin a course so that it floats to the top of the page. Just click...
Brightspace – for Students Brightspace is UVM’s LMS (Learning Management System). Brightspace is another tool available to faculty to effectively teach a course. In...
Brightspace – Grade Book: Set Up and Use This article covers how to set up the Brightspace Grade Book so that it works best for your course. For...
Brightspace – Grading There are three different paths to entering grades in your Brightspace course: Quick Eval Individual tool areas The Grade Book...
Brightspace – Grading with Rubrics Click to enlarge ↑ Rubrics provide a mechanism to explain to students how their work will be evaluated according to...
Brightspace – Grading: Granting Exemptions Exemptions You are able to exempt a student from a particular grade or exempt a student from multiple grade items....
Brightspace – Group Tool Groups in Brightspace Brightspace groups are useful for a variety of reasons, you may wish to have students submit a...
Brightspace – Helpful Links for Instructors General Resources Brightspace Implementation web site Brightspace Community Site (Registration required) Where to Get Help UVM Tech Team For basic...
Brightspace – Intelligent Agents What are Intelligent Agents (IAs)? Intelligent Agents automatically scan Brightspace according to the criteria you set. When you run an...
Brightspace – Journals Brightspace does not have a Journal tool, but there are two tool options that can be used in Brightspace to...
Brightspace – Learner View View as Learner The “View as Learner’ preview function is a quick way for instructors to see how course content...
Brightspace – Make Your Course Active (Available) for Students By default, Brightspace courses are not available to students until instructors make them available, or “active.” When a course is...
Brightspace – Modify Home Page Banner In Brightspace, you can modify your course banner and change its text. Change the banner image Hover over the banner...
Brightspace – Non-Credit Course Creation/ Learner Self-Enrollment UVM faculty and staff can create spaces in Brightspaces for educational or organizational purposes. These spaces are for UVM affiliates...
Brightspace – Quick Start for Instructors View upcoming CTL workshops as well as workshop recordings Find and pin your courses This short article in the UVM...
Brightspace – Quizzes In Brightspace, the quiz tool is used for quizzes, tests, and exams. This page for instructors explains how to set...
Brightspace – Release Conditions Release Conditions Release conditions allow you to create a custom learning path through the materials in your course. When you...
Brightspace – Replace Strings An excellent way to personalize your course and communications in Brightspace is to use Replace Strings. Replace Strings are specific...
Brightspace – Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor for Students If your instructor is using LockDown Browser, or LockDown Browser with Monitor, this page will help ensure you have a...
Brightspace – Respondus LockDown Browser for Quizzes (Instructors) What is the Respondus LockDown Browser? LockDown browser (LDB) prevents students from printing, surfing the Internet, taking a screenshot, or...
Brightspace – Respondus Monitor for Quizzes (for Instructors) Respondus Monitor is a video “proctoring” add-on for Respondus LockDown Browser, which is a web browser that restricts students’ access...
Brightspace – Self Assessments What are Self Assessments? Self Assessments is a formative assessment tool that enables instructors to provide students with a series...
Brightspace – Student View Account for Instructors We now have the option to create a “student view” account in Brightspace. This can be useful for checking what...
Brightspace – Surveys In Brightspace, surveys can be created with multiple question types, including branching, and they can be anonymous or non-anonymous....
Brightspace – Using the Text Editor Using the Text (HTML) Editor The Brightspace Text Editor allows you to both add images, videos, hyperlinks, and other content,...
Brightspace – UVM Landing Page Brightspace Login Sign into Brightspace at Brightspace Landing Page See All Courses or filter by type with the tabs...
Brightspace – Video Note As an instructor or TA, use Video Note in content, announcements, discussions, feedback, and more to personalize and engage students....
Brightspace Migration: Check and Clean up the Course Content How to use the Syllabus Placeholder (located in Content & Activities) Single Syllabus File: Go to Content & Activities and...
Brightspace Migration: Internal Course Links from Blackboard If you created Internal Course Links in your Blackboard course to, for example, link from one page directly to another...
Brightspace Migration: Quizzes Step 1: Review and Clean Up Quizzes Enter your migrated course and go to Course Tools > Quizzes. The first...
Brightspace Migration: Discussion How does Brightspace discussion terminology and display differ compared to Blackboard? There are three levels to the discussion tool: Forum,...
Brightspace – Course Level Accommodations While you able to set accommodations and access through an individual quiz, you are also able to set accommodations at...
Brightspace – Turnitin Turnitin is a tool that can be used to assess similarities between students’ written submissions and other documents.TurnItIn generates a...
Brightspace: Add Gradescope What is possible with Gradescope? Gradescope is an assessment tool. Instructors can use Gradescope to deliver and grade assignments, quizzes,...
Brightspace: Archive a Course To archive a course in Brightspace, you can export it as a Brightspace Package. A Brightspace Package is the standard...
Brightspace: Attendance Tool The Attendance tool enables you to create registers that track attendance for activities within your course. You can track attendance...
iClickers at UVM iClicker is an electronic polling technology that allows students to give instant feedback or answers to questions during class. Students...
Perusall Perusall is a powerful teaching tool developed at Harvard University that is integrated with Brightspace. Perusall allows students and their...
Yellowdig for Instructors Yellowdig is a conversation platform that can be linked from a Brightspace course to form a private class community. Yellowdig...