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  3. Brightspace – Create Wiki-like Page in Teams

Brightspace – Create Wiki-like Page in Teams

Brightspace does not have a wiki tool. Instead, you can add collaborative working spaces and/or sign-up sheets in Brightspace by creating and linking to a file in MS Teams. The following instructions outlines how to create a file in MS Teams and how to add the file’s link into Brightspace.

Create the file in Teams

  1. Go to your course MS Teams space.
  2. Along the top menu bar, click Files.
  3. Click New > Word document.
  4. You will be prompted to enter a name for your document. Enter a name and click Create.
  5. If prompted, sign in with your netid@uvm.edu account.
  6. You will be brought to a blank file. Add instructions or any other information you’d like to make available to your students, like a pre-populated a table to serve as a sign-up sheet.
  7. Once your document is ready, click Share > Copy link in the top right corner of the file.
  8. A pop-up box will appear. Click Settings.
    Link created window Settings button
  9. Make sure People in University of Vermont is selected, expand the More settings drop-down menu, and select Can edit.Link settings Can edit option
  10. Click Apply. A Link copied message should appear.

Note: You may need to activate your Team for students to be able to see and access your collaborative document. When you go into your Team, click the Activate button at the top of the page to activate your team.

There are two different options for adding this collaborative document to your Brightspace course:

  1. Navigate to the course module where you would like to add the link.
  2. Click Upload/Create, then select Create a Link.
  3. In the New Link box, add a descriptive Title, paste the link (copied during the steps above) into the URL field, check the box that says Open as External Resource, and click Create.The content will look something like this:The module will look something like this showing the link you created:

  1. Navigate to the course location where you would like to add the file.
  2. Click Upload/Create, then select Create a File.
  3. On the Create a File page, enter a title for your file. Within the body of the file, you can add instructions for students along with the link to the MS Teams file. To add a link, click the Insert Quicklink icon (), click Link >, paste the link to the MS Teams file in the URL field, type the desired link Text, select the New Window radio button, and click Insert.It then may look something like this. In this example, the written instructions are followed by a link to a sign-up sheet.
  4. Click Save and Close.
  5. Within your module, it will look like this:

Updated on October 15, 2024

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