VTPBIS Leadership Forum




Annual VTPBIS Leadership Forum Ð October 10, 2017

Keynote: Lucille Eber


Morning Workshops:


A. Introduction to PBIS within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (Part One)


Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports

B. Building Capacity for Effective Mental Health/PBIS School Partnerships

C. VTPBIS Coordinators Learning and Networking Meeting

D. Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching (CPBC) Cohort 1 Meeting (*only for educators previously trained as CPBCs

E. Restorative Practices within a PBIS Framework - Part 1

F. The Pyramid Model (for Pre-K through Grade 3) Meets PBIS

G. Administrators: The Key to PBIS Sustainability

H. Function-Based Thinking As a Method for Understanding and Responding to Problem Behavior

I. Targeted/Intensive Level Networking

Table Talks:

Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS)
Act 264

PBIS in Middle/High School Settings


Newly Implementing Schools Q&A

Resources for Trauma-Informed Schools


PBIS in Pre-K and Kindergarten

Afternoon Workshops:


J. Introduction to PBIS within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (Part Two)


K. VTPBIS Coordinators Learning and Networking Meeting

L. Introduction to VTPBIS Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Opportunity

M. Restorative Practices within a PBIS Framework - Part 2

N. PBIS and Responsive Classroom

Framework for a Positive Learning Environment

PBIS and RC - A Perfect Fit

PBIS System's Work by components

PBIS-RC Making Team Decisions

O. Using the Vermont Early Learning Standards Developing Self (Pre-K through Grade 3) as a Roadmap to Guide Intentional Teaching

P. Family Engagement Across the Tiers

Q. Building a Better Behavior Support Plan - An Individualized Consultation Opportunity



Annual VTPBiS Leadership Forum Ð October 7, 2016





Introduction to PBIS within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (Part One)



Introduction to Function-Based Thinking and FBA


Social Skills Across the Tiers



VTPBiS Coordinators as Coaches (VTPBiS School and SU/SD Coordinators Only)



Integrating MTSS for Academics and Behavior: Current Status in Vermont



Universal Screening for Behavior and Implications for Interventions




Getting Started with PBIS (Part Two)





This Behavior Support Plan IsnÕt Working!  Common Implementation Errors and How to Fix Them



Data-Based Decision Making and Problem Solving in PBIS Schools





VTPBiS Coordinators as Coaches (VTPBiS School and SU/SD Coordinators Only)



Beyond Check-In/Check-Out (CICO): Expanding Your Inventory of Supports



What Does Application of Restorative Justice in a PBIS School Look Like?





Annual VTPBiS Leadership Forum Ð October 9, 2015









Annual VTPBiS Leadership Forum Ð October 7, 2014


á       Keynote by Terry Scott (pdf)

á       Introduction to PBIS within a Multi-Tiered System of Support (Part One)  - Richard Boltax, Kym Asam (ppt)

á       Introduction to PBIS within a Multi-Tiered System of Support (Part Two)  - Richard Boltax, Kym Asam (ppt)

á       Reinvigorating Tier One Implementation - Josh Souliere, Kristin Beswick, Sarah Schoolcraft (ppt)

á       Stabilizing and Expanding Tier Two - Nicole Mondejar, Ken Kramberg, Sherry Schoenberg, Rebecca Lallier (pptx)

á       Installing Tier Three and Wraparound - Jesse Suter, Jean Haigh, and School Presenter (pdf)

á       Mental Health in VT PBIS Schools - Tracy Harris and Group from Orange North SU and WCMH (ppt)

á       Adult Behaviors that Improve Student Success in the Classroom - Terry Scott (pdf)

á       Data-based Decision Making and Problem Solving in PBIS Schools - Cassandra Townshend, Nicole Mondejar Grenier


VTPBiS Leadership Forum




Annual VTPBiS Leadership Forum Ð October 7, 2014


á       Keynote by Terry Scott (pdf)

á       Introduction to PBIS within a Multi-Tiered System of Support (Part One)  - Richard Boltax, Kym Asam (ppt)

á       Introduction to PBIS within a Multi-Tiered System of Support (Part Two)  - Richard Boltax, Kym Asam (ppt)

á       Reinvigorating Tier One Implementation - Josh Souliere, Kristin Beswick, Sarah Schoolcraft (ppt)

á       Stabilizing and Expanding Tier Two - Nicole Mondejar, Ken Kramberg, Sherry Schoenberg, Rebecca Lallier (pptx)

á       Installing Tier Three and Wraparound - Jesse Suter, Jean Haigh, and School Presenter (pdf)

á       Mental Health in VT PBIS Schools - Tracy Harris and Group from Orange North SU and WCMH (ppt)

á       Adult Behaviors that Improve Student Success in the Classroom - Terry Scott (pdf)

á       Data-based Decision Making and Problem Solving in PBIS Schools - Cassandra Townshend, Nicole Mondejar Grenier