UVM's Chartfields
The use of chartfields separates the unique aspects of each transaction into relational segments for summarization and reporting. Each chartfield captures a different element of information (who, what, why, how, where) regarding the transaction. It is the combination of chartfields -- or "chartstring" -- that brings meaning to the transaction. The use of multiple chartfields allows for flexible data accumulation and reporting of the financial aspects of projects, activities, programs, events, etc. that occur across UVM organizations or funds.
Name | Account | Operating Unit | Dept | Fund | Source | Function | Project | Program | Purpose | Property |
Length (no. of digits) | 5 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
xxxxx | xx | xxxxx | xxx | xxxxxx | xxx | xxxxxx | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |