Financial & Cost Accounting Services (FCAS) review and approvals of petty cash transactions are completed electronically via Secure File Transfer.
To submit your petty cash transactions, please send your completed and signed petty cash forms, required receipts, payment acknowledgment forms, etc. via secure file transfer service to General Accounting. After review, you will be sent an approved version of the form.
- If the transaction involves picking up cash, you can arrange a time with Treasury Services to pick up the cash (note: only the petty cash custodian can come for the appointment).
- If the transaction involves dropping off cash, you can enclose the approved form with your cash in an envelope and place it in the secured drop box outside of Treasury Services at 220 Waterman.
A Petty Cash Fund is a cash fund kept secured for immediate use when a UVM purchase order or a UVM purchasing card cannot be used. Petty Cash transactions are overseen by Financial & Cost Accounting Services, within University Financial Services.
Petty Cash Funds are maintained by a designated Custodian, who must be an ongoing, permanent UVM employee. Generally speaking, the fund should need replenishment at least once a month; that is, the total of the expenditures over a four-week period should equal the amount of the fund. This will vary, of course, but the objective is to minimize the chance of significant theft. If the fund does not need replenishing at least once a month, then it is too large.
The Petty Cash User Guide (PDF) describes the various types of petty cash funds; how to open, replenish, reduce, and close a fund; the necessary forms for each step of the process; and how petty cash accounting entries are created.