Business Manager Reference Guide

This reference guide lists key onboarding actions and resources for new business/financial management staff, as well as a checklist of monthly, quarterly, annual, and bi-annual financial management processes. Not all information will be relevant to everyone, depending on your individual role.

Onboarding Tasks for New Business/Financial Management Staff

PeopleSoft accessCertain roles and security access must be granted in PeopleSoft FSCM in order to access and process certain business and financial transactions.Ask your supervisor to submit a PeopleSoft access request listing the types of access needed.NA
PeopleSoft Duo multi-factor authenticationDuo Security is a multi-factor authentication tool used by UVM to protect sensitive information. Upon logging into PeopleSoft, you will be required to perform an additional authentication via push notification, SMS text, or phone call to a registered device.Register for Duo multi-factor authenticationNA
PeopleSoft Business Manager WorkCenterThe UVM Business Manager WorkCenter in PeopleSoft Financials organizes most of the relevant pages, reports, and queries that business managers need in one central location.Log in to PeopleSoft Financials and access the WorkCenter from the FSCM homepageFSCM Busines Manager WorkCenter User Guide (PDF)
PeopleSoft BasicsThis introductory class is recommended for all new business and financial staff.Register through Professional Development and Training

PeopleSoft Tips User Guide (PDF)

PeopleSoft Basics Training Video (MP4 02:27:04)

CATSKILL listservThe Division of Finance and Administration communicates with the University financial management community through the CATSKILL listserv.Subscribe to listservNA
Axiom accessAxiom is UVM's budgeting and management-level financial reporting system.Ask your supervisor to log an Axiom HelpDesk ticket indicating whether Reporting, Single-Year Budgeting/Salary Planning, and/or Multi-Year Budgeting/Salary Planning access is needed.NA
PurCard User trainingOnline training is required before a UVM PurCard can be issued to an individual.Complete and submit PurCard application. Access to online (Blackboard) training and instructions are provided once PurCard application is approved.PurCard Reallocation User Guide (PDF)
Purchasing and requisitionsUsers must successfully complete an online knowledge assessment before being granted access to the PeopleSoft ePro requisitioning module. Topics covered include: purchasing/payment methods, required approvals based on purchase price threshold, requests for proposals (RFPs), contracts/agreements, and employee vs. independent contractor determination.Ask your supervisor to log a PeopleSoft HelpDesk Footprint request that includes the default "ship-to" location and default chartstring. Further instructions will be provided directly to the new user.

Procurement Policy (PDF)

Requisitions User Guide (PDF)

UVM financial policies and procedures

UVM has a complex business and financial operating environment. New financial management staff should familiarize themselves with the following topics:

  1. Review UVM's Financial Management Framework
  2. Review UVM financial policies and operating procedures
  3. Register for financial management classes through Professional Development and Training
  4. Review Finance User Guides
  5. Request departmental training for unit-specific needs
See "what to do"


Quarterly Financial Process

General Fund and Gift/Endowment CertificationDeans and vice presidents certify quarterly their units’ budget-to-actual expenditures and explain variances from expected budget conditions in a report to the Vice President for Finance.Unit senior business officers should run the Axiom Summary-by-Fund Report for Fund 100 and/or Fund 3xx

Axiom Reports User Guide (PDF)

PeopleSoft Gift and Endowment Report User Guide (PDF)


Annual and Biannual Financial Processes

Space InventoryDepartments update information about (1) space ownership and occupancy, and (2) activities occurring within spaces.Review and update space inventorySpace Inventory websiteAnnually
Year-End ClosingUniversity budget managers are responsible for verifying that transactions on all funds are recorded accurately. Transactions must also be in accord with the chartstring's established purpose and budget.
  1. Adhere to closing deadlines
  2. Review all transactions carefully to make certain that they are in order
Year-End ClosingAnnually
Private business use compliance trainingBi-annual training is required for all administrators of units that benefit from tax-exempt bond proceeds and bond-financed property to ensure compliance with University policy.Access online private business use trainingPost-Issuance Compliance Policy for Tax-Exempt and Tax-Credit BondsEvery 2 years