UVM's total operating budget of approximately $780M is composed of several discrete "funds," each of which represents monies segregated for specific purposes. The University's budgeting parameters and process vary by each of the major fund categories. 

Annual Budgeting

General Fund (Fund 100)

The General Fund is a portion of current operations using net tuition, state appropriation, and other unrestricted general income as revenue in support of academic, administrative, and departmental operations. The General Fund makes up about 55% of UVM's total operating budget and is the only component of the budget over which we have any appreciable discretion. This Fund is unrestricted, meaning there are no restrictions on how the money may be used created by an external entity or contract: any business expense appropriate to the unit and in compliance with UVM policy may be charged to general funds.

Contact Financial Analysis & Budgeting

Reserves (Fund 108)

Fund 108 is used for General Fund reserves that have been transferred from operating budgets (Fund 100) to Fund 108 to cover future departmental equipment, operating, or renovation expense.

Contact Financial Analysis & Budgeting

Student Government Funds (Funds 130 and 131)

Fund 130-Student Fees is used to allocate activity fee revenue to student clubs. Fund 131-Student Fund Raising is used for student club funds that they have raised themselves. Each student club has a unique Source chartfield value. Club budgets are determined by the SGA Senate and budgets are entered by Student Life staff.

Contact the SGA Office

Income & Expense Activities (Fund 150)

An income/expense activity is a self-supporting activity that is designed to generate sufficient revenue from the sale of specific goods and/or services to recover expenses associated with providing those goods or services. These activities are sometimes called “auxiliary enterprises.”

Budget Materials



Contact Financial Analysis & Budgeting

Unrestricted Plant Funds (Fund 200)

Unrestricted plant funds are used for capital projects, capital reserves, and equipment reserves.

Contact Financial Analysis & Budgeting

Grants & Contracts (Funds 300 and 330)

These funds are used to identify grants, contracts, or commitment funds awarded to UVM.

Contact Sponsored Project Administration

Restricted Non-Sponsored Contracts, Gifts & Endowments (Funds 305, 310, 311, 320, 321, 370, 371)

Annual gift and endowment budgets are established within PeopleSoft based on annual income (for endowments), any carryover of net assets from the prior year, and new gift or other revenue received during the year.

Contact Financial Reporting & Accounting Services

Agency Funds (Fund 900)

Agency funds are funds held by UVM in its role as fiscal agent for an external organization such as a sorority, fraternity or scholarly journal. They are not UVM’s money and UVM has little or no say in how they are spent.

Agency funds are set up with “associated revenue” so that as deposits are made, the budget balance available is increased. Agency fund budgets are established at the beginning of each fiscal year in an amount equal to the beginning net assets.

Contact Financial Reporting & Accounting Services


Multi-Year Planning

Budget Planning

UVM's multi-year budget planning process enables colleges, schools, and administrative divisions to develop high-level, five-year budget plans. Multi-year budget planning is performed in Axiom for funds 100, 108, 150, 305, 900, and restricted gifts and endowments. Planning opens to end-users in August. Responsibility Centers' plans are due to the Budget Office in March, along with RC multi-year salary budget plans. Support Centers may take advantage of the multi-year planning functionality but are not required to submit their plans to the Budget Office. The planning cycle ends at the end of March, when annual budget building and salary-setting begins.

Salary Planning

Multi-year salary planning is performed in Axiom. Planning opens to end-users in August. Support Centers' salary plans are due to the FAB office in late November, in advance of annual budget meetings in December. Responsibility Centers' plans are due to the Budget Office in March, along with RC multi-year budget plans. The planning cycle ends at the end of March, when annual budget building and salary-setting begins.

UVM's multi-year salary planning has four major goals:

  • Enable colleges, schools, and administrative divisions to manage position and personnel changes within their current-year salary budget
  • Enable colleges, schools, and administrative divisions to budget plan for salary commitments in future years
  • Support planning/communication across or between units for commitments that are shared
  • Inform Budget Office of the position/salary details supporting the salary/benefits lines of units’ multi-year budget plans