The Furis Group at the National High Magnetic Field Lab (NHMFL)

Magnet Lab

First light experiment in the Helix Magnet quasimonochromatic light from an Oriel lamp and spectrometer system is incident on the sample mounted in the Helix Magnet as part of the first 25 Tesla magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) experiment.

Kim and Madalina

View from the Top Kim Hua and Madalina Furis are taking a break from working with the OperaSolo optical parametric amplifier located in cell 5 by the Helix Magnet.


Sample Inspection Head of the optics program at NHMFL, Stephen McGill, is inspecting the sample and magnet bore for possible moisture accumulation due to vacuum leaks.

kim and naveen

Experiment Alignment Kim Hua and Naveen Rawat are setting up the optical components for the time resolved photoluminescence experiment in the Helix Magnet, they are mounting two paired prisims for pulse stretching.


Setting the Stage PhD Grad Student, Naveen Rawat, at the NHMFL

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