UVM students are creative, capable world citizens - and they make excellent employees.
At UVM, we’re cultivating top talent through engaged learning in a academic environment. Our students are known for their dedication to making a difference and they bring that passion to their careers and communities. Whether you’re seeking interns, part-time staff, or full-time employees, we’ll help you tailor your approach based on your unique recruiting needs. Get started recruiting @ UVM today!
Create your free Handshake account
Handshake is our comprehensive recruiting platform, giving you access to UVM's talent and over 1400 other institutions nationwide. Post jobs, register for events, and connect with students.
Join our Employer Partner Program (EPP)
With 3 tiers to meet your recruiting needs, the EPP is the best way to find & engage Catamount talent. Connect with our team to map out your personalized recruiting strategy to create a robust plan to connect with campus, build relationships, increase brand recognition, and develop a pipeline of talent that serves your workforce needs.
Hire interns and micro-interns
Interns & micro-interns can be incredibly valuable to you, your talent pipeline & the student! Micro-internships engage UVM students in paid, professional, remote, project-based work without the hassle of coordinating the onboarding, training, and payroll paperwork of a traditional intern. Need a quick project completed? We have students who are up for the job! Chat with us about develop or expanding an internship program...
Leverage UVM Connect
UVM alums in your org are key recruiting resources! Incentivize them to join UVM Connect where they can post directly to the Interest Groups - and thus reach & engage students whose interests expressly align with your neeeds - to promote jobs, build brand awareness, and give pro career tips.