Congrats 2023-2024 Photo Contest Winners!

All experiences teach you something and it looks like these Catamounts learned a lot!  Experiences like these add real substance to your resume AND can help you feel more confident about your career prospects. How are YOU getting experience this coming year?

Watch the Top 20 photos & get inspired!

Winners will be featured online, at the Fall Job & Internship Fair, on social media, and will take home the following great prizes!

Top 4: $250 Outdoor Gear Exchange Gift Certificate 

  • Zane Zupan: Statehouse Steps
  • Rory Stein: Choosing the Humanities
  • Amaya Carrasco: Ritual a la Pachamana en Chimborazo
  • Ella Gingras: The Next Step in Wildlife Rehabilitation

Runners Up: $100 Gift Certificate to UVM Bookstore or Health Living

  • Leslie Spencer: Blueberry Visitor
  • Neil Rohan: Roaring Rhetoric
  • Micah Asplund: Measure twice, coati once
  • Ellie Hunt: Paint Fight at Pine Tree Camp
  • Aiden Armstrong: AKA9 Photography
  • Elliot Stone: Outside at Practicum
  • Erin Kelley: Come-along
  • Grace Dusenberry: Bringing the Table to the Farm

Honorable Mention: $75 Co-op Gift Certificate

  • Grace Berry: Sharkplano
  • Kate Bellino: Exploring Work-life Balance in California
  • Maggie Sheehan: Summer CREAM Scaries
  • Ella Yates: Fruitful harvest
  • Wyatt Shopov: Restraining Training
  • Jay Sullivan: Go for Jay
  • Vikyat Mulpuri: Startup Culture

A big thanks to EVERYONE who participated.  And, check back at the end of this semester for details on how to enter our 2024-2025 Experiences Snapshot Photo Contest...


Entries must capture your experience - and your learning - through your snapshot and a very brief reflection. To be eligible experiences must involve 75+ hours of hands-on learning outside the classroom between Sept. 2024 - Aug. 2025; entrants must be UVM students enrolled at UVM in 24/25 AND Fall 2025 (open to undergraduate & graduate students); photos should capture the essence or nature of your experience: composition, title, and description matter; entries must respect the confidentiality of the subject/project - those you work with may NOT wish you to be in your picture. ONE submission per student. 


2023 Photo Contest Winners


Dive #42 (by Annika Parrish)

Annika spent 720 hours @ Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association in Calabash Caye, Belize.  She wrote: "This was the fourth dive of the day near the 'elbow' of Turneffe Atoll. Descending from the surface to about 70 feet to examine the mooring network placed along the barrier reef. This photo exemplifies the beauty of diving and all of the unknown of the ocean. This experience has allowed me to see and experience firsthand conservation and sustainability work in Marine Protected Areas. My love for the ocean grew as I lived and worked on it daily. I was able to see Belizeans' passion and love for the world around them, and that was further instilled into me."

employers and alumni

Capturing Commitments (by Emily Kobus)

Emily, like many small business owners, engaged in the "all the time endeavor" running a small photography business in CT and VT. She wrote: "This summer I photographed my first wedding which was a really big deal for me a smaller photographer. Previously I had mostly done smaller events, couples, and portraits. The wedding took place about 30 minutes from campus by a beautiful farmhouse and pond. I love this photo taken by my friend and assistant photographer because of the heartwarming scene it captured during the couple’s vows. I remember feeling so fully present in that moment and this photo really takes me back to that feeling. This experience gave me a lot of knowledge in large event photography that I had never previously had. I’ve never photographed an event for 7 hours straight before and it was definitely a learning curve. I feel the large time block helped me to focus more on the details of what I was doing and I hope to carry that on into the photography I do personally, professionally, and with the Vermont Cynic in the future."

2023 Runners Up

gain experienceemployers and alumniemployers and alumni employers and alumni


2023 Honorable Mentions

employers and alumniemployers and alumniemployers and alumniemployers and alumnicareer explorationemployers and alumni

Additional great submissions below...

Networkinginterviewing skills job/internship search upcoming events faculty and staff employers and alumni

employers and alumniemployers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumniemployers and alumni

employers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumniemployers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumniemployers and alumni employers and alumniemployers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumni

employers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumni employers and alumniemployers and alumni

The University of Vermont Career Center

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Contest Entry Form




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