Prospective Students

Application Process

For students applying to the University of Vermont, there is no separate application process for Student Accessibility Services.  Additionally, SAS does not collaborate with the Admissions Office as it relates to application review.  If a student would like to address an aspect of their record which they feel has affected a portion of their academic record, it is suggested that they include this information in their application essay.

Foreign Language Waivers

The Admissions Office requires prospective undergraduates to have taken a minimum of two years of a foreign language in secondary school.  If a student has not met this requirement based on a disability, Admissions can waive this requirement.  In order to do this, the student must provide Admissions with documentation verifying that their secondary school provided this waiver.  It is not necessary to submit any information to SAS during this process. 

*Please note that a foreign language waiver for admission to UVM does not affect a student’s requirement to take a foreign language once enrolled at UVM.  The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) is the only college that requires all undergraduates to take a foreign language in order to graduate.  For students in CAS who received a foreign language waiver for admission to UVM, we often suggest that students consider taking American Sign Language (ASL) or Latin to fulfill the requirement.

Fall Open Houses

Student Accessibility Services is represented each year at the Resource Fair at both the October and November Open House.  We will have plenty of materials on hand, as well as a staff member who can address any questions from students and families.


SAS is available to meet with prospective students and families who are visiting UVM’s campus.  Please call 802-656-7753 or email to schedule a time to meet with us during your visit.  If possible, please schedule a minimum of one week in advance to ensure availability.

Documentation Submission

It is not required to submit documentation of a disability at any point during the application process.  However, students are certainly welcome to do so and we will keep it on file for review once they are admitted and enrolled.  SAS can do preliminary reviews of documentation for prospective students by request if there are specific concerns about potential eligibility. Documentation can be submitted in the following ways:

Fax: 802-656-0739
633 Main St.
A170 Living/Learning Center
Burlington, VT 05405

In person: (same address as listed above)