Spin Transport



Spin populations have lifetimes which depend greatly on the materials and conditions in which they exist. The amount of time for which a spin population exists is called the coherence time. We can also define the length that a net spin population can travel in the presence of an electric field, called the spin transport length. In Gallium Arsenide at 4 Kelvin (-269 Celsius), the coherence length is about 20 micro meters. That’s one meter divided by 50,000, this can start to give you an idea about that scale of these devices. (FYI: A CMOS transistor in your computer is at least 20 times smaller). The decoherence time under the same conditions is about 200 nanoseconds. Temperature greatly effects the time and distance a spin population can endure. At greater temperatures, particles move faster, and collisions with the atoms in the structure of the semiconductor and other electrons, are more frequent. These collisions cause an electron spin to loose its preferred orientation, and destroy the net spin population. We can generate a net spin population in a semiconductor that is characterized by a decoherence length and a relaxation time, but we must be very careful if we try to infer to understand the behavior of a single electron from this information. The times and lengths measured are the statistical averages over many electrons. WE CAN ASSIGN NO DECOHERENCE LENGTH OR RELAXATION TIME TO A SINGLE ELECTRON, it simply makes no sense. If we do an experiment to measure these properties of single electrons we would get a large range of values who’s average would correspond to the large scale decoherence length we speak of. The same concept applies to the relaxation times. Even if all of the microscopic parameters of the experiment were kept exactly the same, it is the understanding of modern quantum physics that we would continually get different results, for the single electron measurements, which would appear in an unpredictable sequence, but would in the end, fall into the statistical spread which is mathematically predicted for the relaxation time.

Electrons and Spin!
What is Spin?
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Spin Precession!
Spin Transport!
How are Spin Populations created in Semiconductors?Find out!
Spin Transistor!

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