UVMClick – IRB Forms Library

Forms Library

Materials Required for IRB Review & Relying on an External IRB

Guidance Materials Required for UVMClick Submissions (PDF)Outlines the materials investigators should assemble and include with their applications for IRB review or Determination of Exemption.5/2/2024

Initial Submission


Expedited and Full Board Applications

Human Research Protocol (DOCX)For any human subjects study that does not have a specific “protocol” from the sponsor.6/21/2023
Qualitative Research Protocol (DOCX)To be used if the research is purely qualitative. If there are any medical procedures use the Human Research Protocol.10/6/2023
Biological Specimens/Data Repository Protocol (DOCX)When the only activity is the collection, storage, and distribution of data or specimens for research.8/14/2023
Blood Collection Protocol for Non-Clinical Laboratory Research (DOCX)When the only activity is blood collection for bench science.12/7/2023
Exception From Consent For Emergency Research (DOCX)Supplementary form to be used when submitting an emergency research protocol.7/25/2023
Grant Proposals Lacking Definite Plan for Involvement of Human Subjects (DOC)Only use when a human subject activities are delayed but an IRB certificate is required from the sponsor6/21/2023
Supporting Document Templates
Institutional Support Letter (DOC) This template can be used to obtain signatures from an executive director, chief executive officer, board president, or other individual with authority to commit the institution's resources, acknowledge the proposed research activity, and grant permission for the engagement of their employee and facilities in that activity. 2/13/2023

Exempt Applications

Determination FormsUseVersion
Exemption 1 (DOCX)Educational Research5/9/24
Exemption 2 (DOCX)Surveys and Interviews4/18/24
Exemption 3 (DOCX)Behavioral Interventions5/9/24
Exemption 4 (DOCX)Secondary Data Uses4/4/24
Exemption 5 (DOCX)Demo Projects5/9/24
Exemption 6 (DOCX)Food and Taste5/9/24

Data Management and Security Plan

FormUseLast Updated
Research Data Management and Security Plan (DOCX)The DMSP is required to be completed as part of an expedited, full board, exempt 2(iii), 3(i)(C), 4(iii) and all Single IRB submissions.11/24/2024
Guidance Document for Medical Researchers (PDF) 09/04/2024
Guidance Document for Behavioral Researchers (PDF) 09/04/2024

Adding Study Team Members

FormUseLast Updated
Request for University of Vermont (UVM) Net ID for Access to UVMClick or UVM Required CITI Training UVM NetID request for research9.19.2024
External Study Team Member InformationAdding an individual, not employed by UVM, on a UVM research protocol10.24.2024

Reliance on an External IRB

FormUseLast Updated
Request to Rely on External IRBRequired for all External IRB studies, to be submitted in UVMClick. Work with the External IRB or Lead Site to ensure accuracy of IRB determinations and study information.10/21/2024
Consent/HIPAA Checklist for Required LanguageRequired local context template language for all External IRB consent/HIPAA forms. When applicable to the study, these sections must be inserted in the External IRB-approved consent/HIPAA template (may need to replace their template language).03/24/2021
UVM Institutional ProfileIf requested by the External IRB or Lead Site. Provides information about UVM/UVMHN and institutional information.10/21/2024
Documentation of External IRB Waiver or Alteration of HIPAA AuthorizationMay be required if the External IRB issues waiver or alteration of HIPAA Authorization, to document the regulatory criteria have been met.10/21/2024
UVM/UVMHN HIPAA Authorization TemplateIf UVM is acting as the HIPAA Privacy Board, per terms of the Reliance Agreement, this template should be used to obtain local HIPAA Authorization. To be used as a separate document from the consent form, which should not contain any HIPAA language.10/21/2024
Study Team Meeting ChecklistTo be filled out after the local study team meets with the UVM IRB Reliance Administrator to review External IRB process and responsibilities, prior to release of local approval to begin research activities. Should not be included with initial submission in UVMClick.09/25/2024
Consent FormsUseUpdated
Behavioral & Social Science Consent (DOCX)To be used when submitting non-exempt adult behavioral and social science research or the qualitative protocol12/10/24
Medical Study Consent (DOCX)To be used when submitting non-exempt protocols with medical procedures or clinical trial research.12/10/24
Child Assent (DOCX)To be used when obtaining assent from children ages 11-1703/24/21
Debriefing Consent (DOC)When submitting a protocol that involves deception and an alteration of consent, use this template to debrief research participants at the end of participation.11/08/19
Information Sheet (DOCX)This template may only be used when applying for an Exempt Determination12/10/24
Media Consent (DOC)Consent to be Interviewed, Videotaped, and/or Photographed, this is not an IRB approved consent for research, a template for researchers to document their participants have agreed to forgo the confidentiality originally consented to10/06/03
Pregnant Partner Consent (DOCX)To be used when data is being requested for research purposes from the pregnant partner of a research participant, informed consent is required from the pregnant partner12/10/24
Repository Consent TemplateTo be used when consenting participates in banking of biological specimens and/or a data repository12/10/24
Expanded Access Consent (DOCX)To be used when consenting a patient with an immediately life-threatening condition or serious disease to gain access to an investigational medical product (drug, biologic, or medical device) for treatment when no comparable or satisfactory alternative therapy options are available.04/20/21
Screening Consent Script Template (DOCX)To be used when screening potential participants for eligibility in a research protocol.11/02/2020
Documentation FormsUpdated
Example 1 (DOCX)08/31/23
Legally Authorized Example (DOCX)08/31/23
Consent Addendum (DOC)To be used anytime you have some additional information for subjects that may affect their willingness to continue participation. Prior IRB review and approval is required. 
Continued Participation after Reaching Age of Majority (DOCX)To be completed with the child who has now turned of age. You must review the originally signed consent with the now adult child and obtain consent to continue their participation. 1/15/20

UVM Health Network Documents and Resources


Data Use Agreement

Where faculty are receiving or sharing human subject data as part of a research collaboration, they will need to ensure that an appropriate Data Use Agreement or other form of research collaboration or confidentiality agreement is in place.

Contact spa@uvm.edu for more information.

Limited Data Sets

If the research includes use of a limited data set from the UVM Medical Center, you must enter into a Data Use Agreement with the hospital.

Reviews Preparatory to Research

Reviews Preparatory to Research (PDF)

Research Using Decedent Protected Health Information

Research Using Decedent Protected Health Information (PDF)

Accounting of Disclosures of Protected Health Information

Accounting of Disclosures of Protected Health Information (PDF)

An abstract placeholder image

Ethics and Compliance Reporting

Call (800) 461-9330, or text 1-802-441-6649, or visit the Ethics and Compliance Reporting Helpline website.

Ethics and Compliance Reporting and HelpLine

Updated 10/24/2024