Gund Fellow, Associate Professor, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources

Cecilia's research focuses on the intersection of community well-being and forest stewardship. Her work has addressed issues in community-based forestry, community-based forest enterprises, communities and carbon markets, forest certification, community-level socioeconomic monitoring, institutions for collaborative management, and the working forest. Cecilia is interested in institutional arrangements for community-based resource management, especially as they affect equity and sustainability in: climate change policies, community-based forestry, and forest carbon.



  • Crow, S. and C. Danks. Forthcoming. Why certify?: Understanding the motivations for forest certification among community-based forestry initiatives. Small Scale Forestry, 26 pp. 
  • McDermott, M, A. Moote and C. Danks. In press, 2010. Effective collaboration: overcoming external obstacles. In Dukes, F., K. Firehock, and J. Birkhoff (eds) Community-Based Collaboration: Making Sense of a Socio-Ecological Movement. University of Virginia Press.  
  • Danks, C. 2009. Benefits of community-based forestry in the US: lessons from a demonstration program. International Forestry Review. 11(2):26-40.  
  • Danks, C. 2008. Institutional arrangements in community-based forestry. In E.Donoghue and V. Sturtevant (eds) Community and Forest Connections: Implications for Research, Management and Governance. Washington DC: Resources for the Future. pp. 185-204.  .
  • Kutner, L. and C. Danks.  2007.  Collaborative Transformation of an Environmental Studies Core Curriculum, in T. Jacobson and T Mackey (eds.).  Information Literacy Collaborations that Work.  New York: Neal-Schuman.  .
  • McDermott, M., A. Moote and C. Danks.  2006.   How Community-based collaboratives overcome external institutional barriers to achieving their environmental goals.  CBCRC Journal (Winter 2006).  Online at  83 pp.
  • Danks, Cecilia, Martin Goebel, and Karen Steer.  2004.  Recreating natural resource-based businesses:  sustaining the land and communities in the US New Northwest.  In Sissel Waage (ed.) Ants, Galileo and Gandhi:  Designing the Future of Business through Nature, Genius and Compassion.  Greenleaf Publishing, Ltd.
  • Danks, Cecilia and Louise Fortmann.  2004.  Social forestry: Forest and Tree Tenure and Ownership.  In Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences, Oxford: Elsevier Ltd.  6 pp.
  • Danks, Cecilia.  2003.  Community-based stewardship: Reinvesting in public forests and forest communities.  In James K. Boyce and Barry Shelley (eds). Natural Assets: Democratizing Environmental Ownership.  Covelo, CA: Island Press.
  • Danks, Cecilia.  2002.  The role of local communities in Adaptive Management.  IUCN Sustainable Use Initiative, Technical Report Series, Vol. 3.
  • Danks, Cecilia and Richard Hayes.  2001.  Socioeconomic research.  In Richard Haynes and Gloria Perez, (eds.), Northwest Forest Plan Research Synthesis.  PNW-GTR-498.  USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR., pp. 52-62.
  • Danks, Cecilia.  2001. “Community-Based Wildfire Management: An Opportunity to Integrate Social and Ecological Objectives on Federal Land.”  In Krisnawati Suryanata, Glenn Dolcemascolo, Robert Fisher and Jefferson Fox (eds), Enabling Policy Frameworks for Successful Community-Based Resource Management.  Proceedings from the Ninth Workshop in Community-Based Management of Forestlands, February 5 - March 3, 2001, Honolulu, Hawaii.  Co-sponsored by East-West Center, Honolulu, HI and Regional Community Forestry Training Center, Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 45-55.
  • Danks, Cecilia.  2000.  Community forestry initiatives for creation of sustainable rural livelihoods: a case from North America.  Unasylva 51(202): 53-63.
  • Kusel, Jonathan, Lee Williams, Cecilia Danks, Jan Perttu, Leah Wills, Diana Keith and Lead Partnership Groups.  2000.  A Report on All-Party Monitoring and Lessons Learned from the Pilot Projects.  Forest Community Research, Pacific West National Community Forestry Center, Technical Report 101-2000.
  • Danks, Cecilia and Lynn Jungwirth.  1998.  “Community-Based Socioeconomic Assessment and Monitoring,” Journal of Environmental Science and Management  1(2):1-18.
  • Danks, Cecilia. 1997.  “Developing Institutions for Community Forestry in Northern California,” Rural Development Forestry Network 20a (Winter 1996/97): 4-23.
  • Peluso, Nancy and Christine Padoch with Cecilia Danks (eds).  1996.  Borneo in Transition: People, Forests, Conservation and Development.  Kuala Lumpur:  Oxford University Press.

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Institutional arrangements for community-based resource management, forest stewardship


  • PhD, Wildland Resource Science, UC Berkeley
  • MS, Wildand Resource Science, UC Berkeley
  • BS, Biology, Environmental Studies, Williams College


  • 802-656-0175
Office Location:

The Bittersweet, 153 South Prospect Street

  1. Research website