Apply for Enrichment Funds.
The Gund Institute’s Enrichment Funds are available to accelerate research, fieldwork and professional development by Gund Fellows (faculty and graduate students) by covering small but important costs.
Priority will go to requests that involve matching funds, and especially to Fellows who leverage professional development funds from other UVM units.
Both students and faculty must submit their enrichment funds requests prior to any conference travel.
Faculty Fellows Enrichment Funds
Gund Faculty Fellows can access enrichment funds to support fieldwork, data or materials needs, publication expenses, conference travel (if giving a presentation), and other small things that help initiate, complete, and communicate our research. Requests are typically made for $300 to $1500.
In select cases, up to $5,000 can be requested as mini-seed funding for collaborative and interdisciplinary projects ideas related to Gund themes.
Application Process
Submit an application using the link below.
2023/24 Update: Faculty Fellows can receive a maximum of $2,500 within a rolling two-year window. In select cases, funds of up to $5,000 can be requested as mini-seed funding for collaborative and interdisciplinary project ideas related to Gund themes. If this is what you are applying for and have supplementary materials, please send them to These larger awards are rarer and will be limited so that a given Fellow can receive one such award per four years.
Priority will go to requests that involve matching funds, and especially to Fellows who leverage professional development funds from other UVM units. Approval is subject to fund availability.
Application Requirements
- Provide basics on the requested amount and intended use.
- Describe how the funds will contribute to the intent of the Fellows Enrichment Fund.
- Specify the amount of matching funds available from other sources, or the status of past or present requests from other sources.
Student Enrichment Funds
Student Enrichment Funds provide support for the research, scholarship and professional development of Gund Graduate Fellows.
Student Enrichment Funds support a range of purposes, including research costs, conferences and travel, materials and training. All Gund Graduate Fellows are eligible to apply.
A portion of Enrichment Funds support workshops and professional development opportunities for all Gund Graduate Fellows.
Purpose and Guidelines
- Funds can be requested for conference travel (if presenting), workshop participation, research materials and costs, data needs, and other academic expenses.
- As of AY24, the following limits are in place:
- Students will not be awarded enrichment funds more than once per fiscal year.
- Awards (conference travel, professional development, publications, research support, etc.) are capped at $800. However, once in their career, a student’s request may exceed $800 (capped at $2500) for professional development, publications, or research support. - Approval is also subject to fund availability.
Application Process
- Students must seek matching funds to leverage Institute support, and priority will go to requests that have secured matching funds.
- Priority will go to students who have received less Gund funding in the past.
- Priority will also be given to students who are active participants in Gund activities.
- Enrichment Funds are capped each fiscal year, and funding may run out.
- There are separate forms for regular enrichment funds and RA-ships.
Gund RA-Ships
- Funding for RA-ships is dependent upon availability each year. As funding becomes available, all students will be notified. Typically, the proposal period opens in January and is due in February, and decisions are announced in March.
- This funding supports a .25 (10-hour) Research Assistantship as a bridge to other funding sources or to help with finishing a degree.
- Students must currently be at least the fourth year of their PhD programs to request an RA-ship and can only do so once in their UVM career.
- Advisor confirmation is required.
- Find more information, including the review process, and apply online via InfoReady.