Watch Gund Videos

Gund videos showcase the dynamic people, ideas and events in the Gund Institute's global research community. Explore more than 300 videos on YouTube, including our popular GundxChange and MacMillan Scholars talks.

Mining the Amazon

Gund researchers Laura Sonter and Gillian Galford explain their discovery that 90% of Amazon deforestation from mining over the past decade occurred outside government mining leases. Read/watch in Brazilian Portuguese.

Saving Critical Bee Pollinators

Go behind-the-scenes with leading bee scientists Taylor Ricketts and Charlie Nicholson, whose Gund pollination research aims to protect wild bees, boost crop yields, and help farmers to create bee-friendly farms. Explore Gund bee research.

About UVM

The Gund Institute for Environment connects UVM students and scholars with the world. Everything has a place in our academic ecosystem. Including you. Join our community.

Visit the Gund Insitute's YouTube channel to explore more videos.


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Promotional graphic for Gund xChange talks

In these weekly talks, scholars and leaders exchange ("xChange") new research and solutions for people and the planet.

Promotional imagery for the Sustainability in the Pandemic Era discussion

Watch a Gund COVID-19 discussion, covering preliminary research, early lessons, and our new COVID-19 Rapid Research Fund.

Gund Institute Fellow Jon D. Erickson, an expert on Ecological Economics.

Watch Gund Fellow Jon Erickson's popular Crash Course on Ecological Economics