Gund Fellow, Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Dr. Emily Belarmino (née Morgan) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences and the Food Systems program at the University of Vermont.  Her work explores the links between diets, the environment, and human health.  Dr. Belarmino’s current research focuses on (1) food and nutrition security among at-risk populations and (2) sustainable diets.  She works both domestically and internationally. 

Dr. Belarmino holds an undergraduate degree in environmental studies from Mount Holyoke College and master’s degrees in public health and agriculture, food, and environment from Tufts University.  She has a PhD in public health and policy from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where her dissertation explored opportunities to leverage Fijian fruit and vegetable value chains for nutrition.  Dr. Belarmino completed post-doctoral training in community nutrition at Cornell University working on projects related to rural health and local food systems in the United States. 



  • Niles MT, Bertmann F, Belarmino EH, Wentworth T, Biehl E, Neff RA. The early food insecurity impacts of COVID-19. Nutrients. 2020:12(7):2096.
  • Morgan EH, Schoonees AM, Sriram U, Faure M, Seguin-Fowler RA. Caregiver involvement in interventions for improving children’s dietary intake and physical activity behaviors (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2020;1: CD012547.
  • Morgan EH, Graham ML, Marshall GA, Hanson KL, Seguin-Fowler RA. Serum carotenoids are strongly associated with dermal carotenoids but not self-reported fruit and vegetable intake among overweight and obese women. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2019;16:104.
  • Morgan EH, Severs MM, Hanson KL, McGuirt J, Becot, F, Wang W, Kolodinsky J, Sitaker M, Jilcott Pitts, SB, Ammerman AS, Seguin RA. Gaining and maintaining a competitive edge: evidence from CSA members and farmers on local food marketing strategies. Sustainability. 2018;10:2177.
  • Morgan EH, Hawkes C, Dangour AD, Lock K. Analyzing food value chains for nutrition goals. J Hunger Environ Nutr. 2018.

Associations and Affiliations

  • Faculty, UVM Food Systems Program
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Healthy Eating and Active Living (JHEAL)
  • Executive Committee, National Food Access and COVID Research Team (NFACT)
  • Member, Cochrane Collaboration
Gund Affiliate Emily Belarmino

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Food systems, food security, nutrition security, public health, sustainable diets


  • PhD, Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • MS, Agriculture, Food and Environment, Tufts University
  • MPH, Health Communications, Tufts University
  • BA, Environmental Studies, Mount Holyoke College


  • 802-656-0540
Office Location:

225B Marsh Life Sciences

  1. UVM website