Lessons in Career Prep

Modules & Badges to address all most common career questions.

Students do them - Faculty embed them - Advisors share them

Available to all Students 24/7
This is a choose-your-own-adventure approach to learning just what you need just when you need it. Simply log into Brightspace and enroll in the Career Resources (General) course.  (It's organized like a course where you can learn things, but nothing is graded or required - find what you need, leave when you're done.  Submit your documents only IF you want feedback.)

Find Career Resources (General) on Brightspace

Used by Faculty

Ready-made to copy/paste into your course site, modules can be required, done as extra credit, or provide supplemental instruction.  Any module can be customized AND can include assignments (e.g., resume submission) that the Career Center will grade for you! It couldn't be easier to support the career preparation of your students.  Career Coaches also facilitate in-class workshops. Learn more about our teaching resources or complete the form below to get started.

Request a module or workshop

A resource for Advisors

Refer your advisees to just the insights the need.  We also hope you'll also encourage them to join a Career Interest Group and gain hands-on experience at every opportunity - these modules can help with both.  And, of course, you can also refer them to meet with a career coach.

More Advising Resources

Follow the Path to Success Career Badges