
Exploration is a critical part of becoming career-ready. Time invested in exploring your interests, values, goals, and options is time well spent.

Whether your exploring Majors & Minors or ready to explore Career Pathways, here are some useful tips & resources.

Choose or Change Your Major (or Minor)

Looking to declare, change, or reconsider your major


The most important thing to keep in mind that your major does not define you or dictate your future. There are many options that may be right for you!  The trick is to find a path that engages you now and will open doors for your future.  These resources may help. 

Your major choice is unlikely to be a major mistake.

Consider what you enjoy, what you're good at, and your budding goals, then make a choice; remembering that all careers have multiple points of entry and your major could lead to any number of different jobs.

Doubts are natural.

Choosing or changing a major is a decision that can feel daunting, but we’re here to support you.  Doubts may arise because of a “sophomore slump,” an encounter with a particular professor, or when thinking about potential post-grad opportunities.

Staying in the wrong major can cause unnecessary stress.

While changing majors might seem stressful, by staying with the major you don't like, you may do poorly, leave school dissatisfied with your experiences, or be unprepared for the career you actually want

Many students change their major one or more times at UVM. 

But do think critically about whether changing your major is what you really need - getting help at the Tutoring Center or joining a new club might be a way to resolve the challenges and doubts you are facing.

Helpful Steps

  1. Explore UVM's list of majors, minors, and graduate programs.
  2. Connect with a Career Interest Group to learn more about how a particular major might translate to a range of diverse career paths.
  3. Listen to our Major Speed Dating Podcast to hear from fellow students about their major choices.
  4. Check out what alums are doing with the majors you're considering using UVMConnect.
  5. Ask friends, family, and fellow students about their interests and what they think you might be good at.
  6. Talk to the professors teaching the courses that interest you - they are experts in the field.
  7. Be sure to also discuss your plans / interests with your Academic Advisor.
  8. Try out some classes - taking coursework that engages, challenges, and inspires will set you up for success, and help you find the path that's right for you.

Pick a few steps to try and then drop by the Career Center to chat with someone about what you're finding (or make an appointment through handshake).

Ask Yourself...

  • Why did you choose your initial major in the first place? Did the reasons make sense then? What has changed?
  • What are your concerns with your current major? Are their issues with academic performance? Interpersonal difficulties? Have your interests changed? A mismatch with career goals?
  • Will a change of major add an additional semester or year to your undergraduate degree? Will it require some summer school classes? Can you afford the extra time or classes?
  • Could you consider a double major? A minor in another area? Might it make sense to consider graduate school to focus on the new interest? Or could you seek skills and knowledge in your new interest area through experiential learning opportunities such as internships, volunteering, or service-learning?





Run a "What-If?" audit using Degree Works - UVM's degree audit system offering tools to aid students in tracking their progress toward degree completion. It also allows users to view how changing a major will affect degree progress in an accurate and meaningful way because it reflects the requirements in their own catalogue year. You can run a "What If" audit to see how your courses would apply if you decided to change your major, concentration, minor, or degree program.

Your college experience is more than just your major.

Make the most out of your college years by getting engaged and gaining experience - in any way that works for you - volunteering, campus activities, athletics, internships, jobs, and more! Our Path to Career Success can help you think about all these options.

Our Major Choice Worksheet can help you work through all these considerations...

Major Choice Worksheet (PDF)

Explore Your Interests, Skills, & Values


Below are some of our favorite interactive tools for exploring everything from yourself (interests, personality, skills/competencies) to industries of interest (with details like salary, projected growth in the field, required qualifications, and specific pathways).

Career Explorer


Career Explorer, the world's leading career advancement platform, offers a free self-assessments that take about 30mins online.

  1. You'll answer a series of questions (reflecting on past experiences and future goals) to identify your personality archetype and what makes you stand apart from the crowd.
  2. They'll suggest potential paths based on your strengths, interests, and personality.
  3. And then you get to explore over 1,000 careers and degrees (and learn who thrives in which career, and why).

Career Explorer

Interests & Values


Our Interests and Values module in Brightspace offers handy reflection worksheets you can do at home.  

To access this - and many other helpful modules - simply enroll in the Career Center's Brightspace. It's is free & easy. There are no obligations, no grades, no pressure - just lots of resources!

Enroll in the Career Center Brightspace 

Career Readiness Competencies


Career readiness is the foundation upon which a successful career is launched (NACE). There are eight career readiness competencies, identified through years of research on what employers are looking for in their hires. 

Reflecting on these 8 competencies helps you articulate your strengths AND identify skills you want to develop both in and out of the classroom. 

Assess your readiness with are fun little Career Competency Tool

Interest and Skill Inventories


Certified Coaches offer two professional assessments free of charge to students and alums.

  • The Strong Interest Inventory to consider how your interests may influence your career choice; 
  • The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to learn more about your temperament and personality which can impact career choices.

Email Danielle.Gallant@uvm.edu to learn more.

UVM intern examines bean samples

Experiential Learning

Learning by doing, especially outside of a traditional classroom setting, is a great way to get practical experience, develop transferable skills, explore interests, and discover possible career paths.

Check out a myriad of ways to Get Experience