Every intern site must have a fully executed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on file with UVM. MOUs are legal documents that define responsibilities for each party (the host, UVM, and the intern), and address safety and liability issues. An executed MOU is valid for 3 years from the date of signing and cover all interns at your organization.
The Intern Supervisor can start the process using the link below to enter a few pertinent details about your organization (including the name of someone at the intern site who is authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of the organization). This will generate an MOU for review and execution by the authorized party who -for purposes of authentication- will receive an email with a unique access code. The initiator (supervisor) and executor (signer) are often not the same person.
UVM requires all Intern Sites to maintain policies of insurance (or funded self-insurance). During the MOU process, you will be asked to provide a certificate of insurance (COI) evidencing compliance with UVM minimum levels (see below). If you have questions about this requirement, do not presently have insurance in the required amount, or wish to propose any other amendment to the MOU, use the "decline to sign" button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. You will then be able to submit comments or propose alternate language to UVM. UVM's General Counsel will review your concerns in coordination with other offices, as applicable, to come to a mutual agreement in support of our students and your organization.
View & Sign UVM's Intern MOU
UVM's standard insurance requirements for US based placements are
Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence
Automobile Liability - as required by state law (only if students will drive or ride in Intern Site vehicles)
Professional Liability (malpractice) - $1,000,000 each claim and $1,000,000 annual aggregate (only if Internship Site's business requires professional licensure)
Questions or concerns regarding the MOU? Contact career@uvm.edu