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We can help support your students' career readiness. 

Career readiness is a vital component of student success, but not every student will find their way to the Career Center. Faculty support all students - even those we haven't reached yet - and we want to help you connect students to career resources they might not otherwise access.

We can also visit your class or department/program meeting to provide an overview of our services and explore potential collaborations.

In-class Workshops / Presentations

The Career Center can come to your classroom to introduce our services or provide a more focused workshop, such as resume/cover letter writing, using LinkedIn or interview skills. Workshops can be customized to meet the needs of your students. 

Request a Workshop/Presentation

Assignment Ideas

Brightspace Modules

We have developed a library of Brightspace modules addressing common career questions. These modules can be seamlessly plugged into any Blackboard course. Topics cover everything from reflecting on values/interests to negotiating a salary.

Career Starter Badge

This is a self-contained Brightspace course designed to equip students with the foundational skills, knowledge and tools to set them up for the next steps on their career journey. We created it with first-year students in mind, but it is appropriate for anyone beginning career preparation.

Career Quizzes

By taking these annual Buzzfeed-style quizzes, students get a personalized update of where they are in terms of career readiness and what they should do next.

Customized Help

Work with a curriculum specialist to discuss how we can help you integrate career exploration and readiness into your course. Contact Adam.Boothe@uvm.edu


Leverage UVM Connect

UVM's six Career Interest Groups are dynamic networks of students, faculty, staff, and alums who share common interests, wisdom, and opportunities.  This online community -specifically for UVM affiliates- enables you to tap into an engaged, supportive, and growing global network to find alums and help your student get connected. 

Ways to get involved

  • Create your profile, confirm your email and then select the Career Interest Group of greatest relevance.
  • Once logged in, use the left nav to join additional groups (as many as you'd like). Come and go as you please.
  • Let students/alums know how you are "willing to help".
  • Use the directory to find alums in your field for guest speakers / panels.
  • Easily promote events in your department / field.Encourage students, alums & your colleagues to join.

Tips for integrating UVM Connect into your course

An Open-Source Discussion Board
Students can post career-related questions to people in their future fields. This is especially helpful for students completing an internship, practicum, or other experiential learning experience.

Discover Potential Career Paths
Students can search the UVM Connect directory based on keywords to see what paths others in their field or with their major have taken in their careers. Students can broaden their perspectives and understand that their major is not necessarily their career.

Demystify Networking
Ask students to message an alum (or a few) to ask career-related questions or questions about graduate school. Your students will be surprised how easy it is.

Find Guest Speakers
Tap into the alum network to find speakers for your class or a panel discussion – or better yet, ask your students to make a list of potential speakers. Who can relate to your current students better than alums?

Promote events
Announce upcoming departmental events and/or raise awareness of additional opportunities on and off campus.

Stay connected
Graduation does not mean goodbye. Stay in touch with former students as a colleague, mentor or friend.


Support an Internship

If you need to hire an intern, the Career Center can help you post the opportunity on Handshake, a job and internship platform for college students. Contact us at career@uvm.edu.

We can complement an internship course with career development materials and/or workshops. Request our a workshop or Blackboard modules or contact us for something customized: Adam.Boothe@uvm.edu 

Let Your Students Know about Our Services


Our FAQ page provides resources to answer students’ most common career questions.  

Path to Career Success 

The Path provides a big picture view of what steps students should take throughout their time at UVM. All paths are unique, but this is a great place to start.  

Career Quizzes (CQs)

By taking CQs, annual Buzzfeed-style quizzes, students get a personalized update of where they are in terms of career readiness and what they should do next. 

Career Interest Groups 

Joining a Career Interest Group is the fastest way for students to get connected to people, events and resources related to their career goals. Low effort, high reward. 

UVM Connect 

Encourage students to sign up for UVM Connect. They can connect with alums who are willing to help with their career questions and preparation. 


Setting up a Handshake profile will allow students to browse job and internship opportunities. They can also find career-related events happening on campus and online. 

Feedback for Students

Students can submit application materials to the Career Center for feedback. They can get feedback on resumes, cover letters, elevator pitches, LinkedIn profiles and Handshake profiles.  


Share a Success Story

If you know of a student who has found success after graduation, help us share their story with a Success Note.


Don’t See What You Need? 

Contact the Career Center for specific requests: Adam.Boothe@uvm.edu


Staff/Faculty seeking internship resources - look here:

Intern Coordinator Info

Heard from a recent graduate about their success?  Share the news... 

Success Notes 


Partner with us

Opt in to our monthly update meetings (3rd Tues @ 9am) &/or access our resource bank and count yourself a career partner!

Count me in


Refer a Student

Know a student who needs something different than what they're finding here or through our drop-ins? Refer them for one-on-one coaching.

Referral Form


Join an Interest Group

Help connect students to the people and opportunities they need, find alums interested in engaging, and expand your own network!

Find your group


Request a Presentation/Module

Help your students get career-ready and connect the dots between your activities and their success

Faculty/Staff Requests


Nominate a Career Champ

Recognize a faculty/staff member who goes above and beyond in encouraging UVM students' career readiness and success.




Thanks to all who joined the Career Summit - see you again May 2024!