Please Update Your Contact Information

Today, please let us know your local address as of February 1, 2021.  LCOM students are excluded from this requirement.

Before you can access any of the items in myUVM outlined in red below, you will first be prompted to verify and update your local address if necessary:

When updating your local address, please be aware of the following:

  1. You should not need to change any dates, only your address as of February 1, 2021, if necessary. If you need to change dates, it is OK to leave the end date blank but make sure there is a date range that includes the date you make the change or you will keep being prompted to update your address. Years must be entered as four digits.
  2. A local address must be entered, even if it is the same as your permanent address.
  3. Your local address should be where you will be living as of February 1, 2021.

Once you have verified/updated your local address, you will be presented with a yellow bar, which you must click on to indicate your information is correct. Once you click on that yellow bar, you should no longer be prompted to update your local address.

Thank you for your cooperation! We hope you have a joyful and restful holiday season. Please click on the link below to update your local address.

Update your local address