Final Exams

Helpful tips and information for final exams.

Spring 2025 Final Exam Schedule

Spring 2025 Final Exam Matrix

UVM's Final Exam Policy

Knowing how to effectively prepare for finals is key to making the grade. Here are some tips to make exam time go smoothly. 

  1. Use the library. Stop by the reference desk for assistance with an assignment or your studies. Howe librarians can help you refine your topic, develop research questions, locate appropriate sources, format citations or bibliographies, and more. There are no questions too big or too small. For more personalized and in-depth assistance, email or schedule an appointment with the subject librarian in your area.
  2. Don’t cram at the last minute. Try studying for an hour or 90 minutes per day for a week leading up to an exam. All-nighters don't work for most people, and attempting to study for four and five hours straight the night before the exam doesn't pay off.
  3. Study with a group only if it makes sense. Many students believe that a study group always affords an advantage: more brain power and motivation to study. It doesn't always pay off in the end. If you're better at studying alone, take that route. 
  4. Go to the review session. One of the best resources during exam time is the review session. This is when your professor or TA will  often summarize high points of the course, do sample questions or problems, or give study tips. 
  5. Use all of the exam time allotted. Many students leave the exam room before time is up. There are always problems to be reviewed or essays to proofread.