International Students

Welcome to UVM. In order to transfer international credit, we must receive an official transcript from your previous College or University. To be eligible for transfer credit, the school must be formally recognized by the foreign government or ministry of education as a degree granting institution offering post-secondary instruction leading toward a diploma comparable to that offered at UVM.

To be eligible for transfer credit, courses must be taken in disciplines that are offered at UVM, and comparable in content, nature, and intensity to the UVM course offerings. Courses must also be passed with a grade of C or higher. Anything with a grade of C- or below is not eligible for transfer credit, including anything taken for pass/fail or audit. Regardless of the grade that you do receive, it is the credit only that transfers, the grade does not. The only grades that will be used to calculate your UVM GPA will be the grades you earn here at UVM.

When reviewing a course for content, a 2/3 yardstick is used. Therefore, in most cases, if a course contains 2/3 of the materials of a similar course at UVM, the course will be judged to be comparable. If the course does not contain at least 2/3 of a content overlap, then generic credit at a specific level is awarded. Here are some examples of what you might see on your transfer credit evaluation:

Course NumberEquivalency
ENGL 1001This course is equivalent to ENGL 1001 at UVM
ENGL 1XXXThis course may have an equivalent at UVM, but has transferred as 1000-level credit
ENGL 2XXXThis course may have an equivalent at UVM, but has transferred as 2000-level credit
ENGL 3XXXThis course may have an equivalent at UVM, but has transferred as 3000-level credit
BIOL 1XLXThis course may have an equivalent at UVM, but has transferred as a 1000-level Biology course with a lab
ENGL XXXXThis course has transferred as an ENGL course at no specific level. If the course is to be applied as an elective, no further review is necessary. If you plan to fill a specific requirement with this course, you need to email a course syllabus to for further review.

Syllabus Review Process

If you would like to have a course reviewed for a more specific equivalent course, or credit in another discipline, send a detailed course syllabus (and lab schedule if applicable) to for further review. Include the following information:

  1. The course subject, course number, and course title (For example, SOC 1500 Introduction to Sociology)
  2. What school the course was originally taken from
  3. What discipline and/or course you would like to have this course reviewed for
  4. What level credit you are seeking

The course will be re-evaluated for a more specific equivalency and you will receive an email communicating the final transfer credit decision as soon as the faculty have made a decision.

Transfer Affairs works closely with the Catamount Core Curriculum Committee to review and approve courses that are applicable to meeting UVM’s Catamount Core General Education Requirements. If your transfer course is a direct equivalent to a UVM course, then the Catamount Core designation will follow the UVM approved course. If your transfer course is not a direct equivalent to a UVM course, you can submit a request to have it evaluated for a Catamount Core General Education Requirement through the following course fulfillment form.