Religious Holidays

UVM students observing religious holidays are entitled to accommodations.

Religions may be practiced in many different ways, and can impact participation in classes variably. Students have the right to practice the religion of their choice. Each semester students should submit in writing to their instructors as early as possible and at least one week prior to their documented religious holiday the date(s) of the conflict or absence. Faculty must permit students who miss work or exams for the purpose of religious observance to make up this work. In addition, faculty and students are encouraged to review the Interfaith Calendar of holidays maintained by the UVM Interfaith Center to proactively plan course schedules and exam schedules. 

 Dates of religious holidays can be found on the Interfaith Calendar. Two versions are available: one is the Interfaith Calendar for the current academic year (PDF), the other is a multi-year Interfaith Calendar (PDF).