Online Withdrawal Policy

Course Withdrawal Policy

Fall and Spring: From the eleventh day of instruction until the second business day after the 60% point in the semester, students may withdraw from courses. To do so, students must use the registration system to withdraw from the course. The student's advisor(s) and dean(s) will be notified. The instructor(s) will be aware of the withdrawal by the Withdraw status on the class roster and the presence of a grade of W on the grade roster. Between the second business day after the 60% point in the semester and the last day of classes, students may withdraw from one or more courses only by demonstrating to their college/school studies committee, through a written petition, that they are unable to continue in the courses(s) due to circumstances beyond their control. Such petition must contain conclusive evidence, properly documented, of the illness or other situation preventing completion of the course(s). Acceptable reasons do not include dissatisfaction with performance or expected grade, dissatisfaction with the course or instructor, or desire to change major or program. If the petition is approved, a grade of W will be assigned and recorded on the student's permanent record. If the petition is denied, the instructor(s) will assign a final grade (A-F) in accordance with the same criteria applied to all other students in the course(s). Final decisions rest with the student's home college/school. 

Withdrawals will be permitted after the last day of classes only when the student was incapacitated before the end of the term and unable to process a late withdrawal request. To be considered, the request must be made within 60 days of the end of the term in which the course was taken, or before the end of the add/drop period of the subsequent term attended, whichever is sooner. Final decisions rest with the student's home college/school.

In all instances, withdrawal grades remain on the permanent academic record, but will not affect the grade-point average. Withdrawn courses are included in the number of credits used for billing purposes.

For example:


Summer: WITHDRAWAL DATES FOR SUMMER COURSES VARY! Please click here for more information.

Students withdraw from a course(s) via myUVM. This online process is only available during the withdrawal period.

NOTE: You may not be able to withdraw online if you have a certain hold on your account. If you are unable to request a withdrawal following the steps below, please download and complete the withdrawal form (PDF) and return it to our office. This form is not valid after the withdrawal period ends.

Instructions for Withdrawing

  1. Log in to myUVM and in the My Classes channel on the Registrar page, click on the Add/Drop/Withdraw button or link.
  2. Select term.
  3. On the Add/Drop/Withdraw Classes page check the box under Request Withdrawal next to the appropriate course.
  4. Click on Submit.

The status of the course will then display "Withdrawal is pending until" followed by the expiration date of the request.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that students discuss course withdrawals with their instructors and advisors before the pending date expires. Please note that if you are a Financial Aid recipient, by submitting the request to withdraw from a course you are also accepting that you have reviewed your course registration and intend to remain enrolled in and will attend all classes for which you are registered that semester.

An email is sent to the student, the instructor(s), the advisor(s) and the student's dean's office(s) with the subject line:
Student Withdrawal from Section - Term.

"Withdrawn" will also display on the instructor's class roster page in the "Reg Status" column.

Fall 2024 withdrawal deadline: Monday, October 28

Tuition refund dates and schedule may be viewed here:   Refund Dates and Schedule

If you have an academic advising hold on your account, please contact our office at 656-2045 or email us at

For all other holds, please download the withdrawal form. There can be significant academic and financial consequences associated with withdrawing from a course. Please consult Student Financial Services, the instructor, your advisor and/or your Dean's Office before withdrawing. A signature from the course instructor and advisor is required. Continuing Education students are not required to obtain an advisor signature. The completed form must be submitted to the Registrar's Office by the withdrawal deadline for the course.

After the withdrawal period ends any changes to your registration must be approved by your Dean's Office.