Most importantly, if you find yourself in a situation where you are considering a grading mode change (to P/NP) or an incomplete, we strongly advise that you work with the Center for Student Success advising team to discuss the degree implications of this change and Student Financial Services to discuss the financial and scholarship implications of this change.
Our faculty and staff are here to support you. Please do not hesitate to reach out for any guidance or advising that you may need.
We are here for you.
- Basic Business Core - BSAD 010, BSAD 020, BSAD 015, BSAD 020, BSAD 030, BSAD 040, BSAD 060, BSAD 061, EC 011, EC 012, MATH 019 (or MATH 021), STAT 141:
Our catalogue states:
The Basic Business Core classes should be completed by the end of the sophomore year as they serve as the prerequisite requirements for upperlevel Business Field, Theme, and Concentration requirements. All Basic Business Core classes must be completed with a grade-point average of at least 2.25 and no single course grade lower than C-.
With that, Basic Business Core Classes must be completed with a C- or better and Core classes that are taken P/NP will not apply towards the Basic Business Core.
For students that earn a passing final grade below C-, we recommend* you convert that grade to a P and repeat the course in a future term to meet degree and progression requirements. This option will help you since the P grade will not impact your cumulative GPA like a D-, D or D+ will. (*Pending consultation with Student Financial Services to understand the financial implications) - Business Field (BSAD 120, BSAD 150, BSAD 173, BSAD 180), Concentration and Theme Requirements:
Our catalogue states that students must complete each area (Field, Concentration and Theme) with a GPA of a 2.0 or better. There is no grade requirement for the Field, Concentration or Theme.
With that, Business Field, Concentration and Theme can be taken P/NP but students will still be required to meet the GPA threshold for each area. You can see your current Field, Concentration and Theme GPA calculations in your Degree Audit.
(myUVM > Advising (Degree Audit) > Run Your Degree Audit) - General Education Requirements: Grossman School of Business students can change the grading mode of General Education courses to the P/NP option.
- Minor Requirements: For questions regarding minor courses, we encourage you to contact the Minor Department directly. We cannot speak to their requirements and policies at this time.
- Incompletes: I also want to reiterate Provost Prelock’s previous statement (3/23/20) regarding Incompletes.
For some students with health or internet connectivity challenges, faculty have been encouraged to grant an incomplete so these students can complete their work at a later date.
A message from Associate Dean Arel:
Additional Guidance/Accommodation Information Sent to GSB Students April 28, 2020
Some of you have expressed concern about the GPA impact or scholarship ramifications of your anticipated grades in these core classes. For those who share these concerns, we offer an additional accommodation for the Spring 2020 semester only:
- Continue taking the course for a letter grade.
- If your final letter grade is a C- or better but the letter grade would have negative GPA or scholarship consequences for you, you may elect the P/NP option. We will verify that your final grade was a C- or higher, and an exception will be made to allow the course to fulfill your requirement with a grade of Pass.
Please note that this option is only available if you earn a final grade of C- or higher. If your final grade is below a C-, we still recommend choosing the P/NP option so that your GPA will not be impacted, but you will be required to retake the course.
It is your responsibility to declare the P/NP option after your final grade has been recorded in your myUVM unofficial transcript/View My Grades tab, but before the May 14 deadline. Additionally, I strongly recommend taking a screenshot of your final letter grades in both Blackboard and myUVM for your records. Once the P/NP option has been applied, it cannot be reversed.