Pass/No Pass Policy for Spring 2020

A message from Dean Harvey:

I hope this message finds you healthy and well. I am writing to provide you some clarity and guidance regarding the PASS/NO PASS option that has been put in place for this semester, given the challenging time we are facing with the COVID-19 crisis.

Please read the following information to evaluate how this decision may impact your Bachelor of Science program in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Due to the current crisis, students will be allowed to change any or all Spring 2020 courses to a pass or no pass status.

It is important for CALS students to TALK TO YOUR ADVISOR before making a decision to change a course to PASS/ NO PASS. If you are a pre-health, pre-vet, pre-professional student, or plan on pursuing graduate school or other certifications, we strongly recommend that you contact your academic advisor to discuss whether you should elect to change a course to PASS/NO PASS. Electing to take a course as PASS/NO PASS may have implications for your pre-health, pre-vet, or other pre-professional application requirements, where it may be important to have a letter grade.

As in a typical situation, to remain in academic good standing, both your semester and cumulative GPAs must be 2.00 or higher. A student who earns a semester or cumulative GPA below 2.00 will be placed on probation or continue on probation. CALS will not dismiss students based on the academic performance for the Spring 2020 semester.

We recommend you reach out to your Advisor, or contact CALS Student Services if you have additional questions.

Thank you.

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