The modified fall registration period for Fall 2020 begins:

  • July 20 for at-home students
  • July 23 for on-campus students

There are priority designations within the at-home and on-campus registration periods; please review the Revised Fall 2020 Registration Schedule for more information.


The revised Schedule of Courses includes notations on course delivery modalities. There are five different designations that are very important for students to understand, whether they are choosing the at-home or the on-campus option for Fall 2020.

The instructional modalities for Fall 2020 courses are identified by the following attributes:

  • INPR – in-person
  • ATHM – at-home (seats in MIXD courses reserved for at-home students)
  • MIXD – mixed
  • REMT – remote
  • ONL – online

Students choosing the at-home option may only register for Fall 2020 courses with these three attributes:

  • ATHM – at-home (seats in MIXD courses reserved for at-home students)
  • REMT – remote
  • ONL – online

Students choosing the on-campus option may only register for Fall 2020 courses with these four attributes:

  • INPR – in-person
  • MIXD – mixed
  • REMT – remote
  • ONL – online


  • Classes designated INPR will follow the listed meeting pattern and are expected to meet as face to face courses with all students in the classroom each time the class meets. Due to social distancing requirements, room capacities have been significantly reduced, so these will tend to be smaller courses where there are existing classroom spaces with sufficient capacity for the whole class to meet together. INPR classes are not available to at-home students.
  • Many classes have been shifted to "mixed" instruction (MIXD) as an adjustment to greatly reduced classroom capacities following distancing guidelines. Classes with MIXD designations may take many different forms, with pedagogies designed to make the most of in-person instruction combined with some online/remote instruction. In most cases, these classes will be divided into 2-3 smaller groups to allow for distanced classroom seating, with each group attending class in-person on a rotating schedule. When not in-person, remaining groups will have online or remote instruction, which could include students joining remote "livestreamed" (synchronous) class meetings, online or live discussions, recorded lectures, or other activities. Faculty will use the in-person time with their classes in different ways. In cases where at-home students can fully participate in a particular mixed course design, faculty have arranged for their class to be accessible to at-home students; these courses will have a special ATHM (at-home) section.
  • ATHM sections are seats within МIXD courses that have been set aside for at-home students. Only students electing the at-home option can enroll in ATHM sections.
  • Some classes will be designated as REMT indicating "remote instruction." These classes will have an assigned meeting time, but will meet live online, instead of in-person. Depending on the course design, remote classes will include a range of instruction, for example, lecture, group discussions or activities, demonstrations, and live problem/case study sessions.
  • Finally, some classes will follow an asynchronous online format (ONL), meaning that the class will not meet together as a class for live meetings and instead will follow a more flexible schedule of individual and group interactions and activities facilitated by faculty. These classes are labeled ONL in the schedule of courses. Although these classes are not based on live meetings, they are taught by faculty who have taken specific training in designing engaging online educational experiences. In addition to individual or group meetings conducted remotely, online classes offer many ways for students to engage with the instructor and with each other. These can range from recorded lectures with follow-up interaction with faculty and fellow students, interactive modules, online discussions, group or individual activities and projects, and peer and instructor review and feedback on completed work.