IT Software

The University of Vermont participates in several technology-licensing programs in order to provide wide access to important tools in cost-effective ways.

Below are the major campus-wide programs for operating systems and office productivity software:

Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES)
The yearly license of several Microsoft products for use on UVM computers, including Microsoft Office and Windows OS upgrades. Microsoft Select Agreement
Departments may purchase licenses for products not included in the EES program.

The following scientific and research applications are licensed for use on University-owned computers:

Additionally, the following software packages are licensed for use by the entire UVM Community. All of these programs can be obtained from the UVM Software Portal:

  • Email and Calendar software for Microsoft 365: Outlook for macOS and Windows or Outlook on the Web (OWA)
  • SSH/SFTP terminal and file transfer software

Recommended Software

All UVM students, faculty, and staff are able to remotely access a number of software packages anytime and anywhere and on any device by visiting

Powered by AppsAnywhere, this new service is a replacement for the UVM software download site and improves upon the previous delivery method in several key ways:

  • By logging into the site with your UVM NetID, the service will determine which software should be accessible to you based on your role at UVM (whether you should receive the instructor or student versions of software, for example).
  • It takes your device, operating system, and location into consideration when determining which software to make available to you and how to deliver it so that it runs effectively.
  • Software that was typically only provided in campus computer labs can be made accessible to you remotely (even if it’s Windows software and you’re using a Mac). The list of available options will grow as we develop this service.

One of the greatest benefits of this new software portal is that it allows the user to launch or download software simply by clicking on the software title. Additionally, the features of the portal are easy to use and we encourage all members of the UVM community to visit the software portal. Log in with your UVM NetID and password, and then browse the list of software in the "Available" tab.

Wondering why some software is showing up as “Unavailable” to you? Need software you don’t see on your list? Read our AppsAnywhere Knowledge Base article for more information about this service, for help troubleshooting any issues, and to submit a software request form.

Where Can I Get Software?


Current UVM students, faculty, and staff may download free or site-licensed and ETS-supported software installer packages from the UVM Software Portal. Additional installation and configuration documentation links are provided on that site. Owing to distribution and licensing issues, not all software packages can be made available in the download library. For information on these and other volume-licensed applications, see the Software Licensing Knowledge Base list.

UVM Software Portal

Windows computers purchased by departments through the UVM Techstore will be joined to the CAMPUS Active Directory domain and Microsoft Office will be installed on them. Windows computers joined to the Campus domain will automatically receive updates via the Intune Company Portal, which also provides the ability to install licensed software without needing to go through the Software Portal.

Macs purchased by departments will be enrolled in Apple's Device Enrollment Program (DEP), which will deploy configuration settings and software including Microsoft Office upon initial setup.

Microsoft 365 for Students, Grad Students, Faculty, and Staff


UVM subscribes to a Microsoft volume licensing program for the most commonly used Microsoft software. Microsoft 365 for Education is an annual subscription licensing program for Microsoft software.

This agreement provides Microsoft Office 365 A3 licenses at no charge to active UVM faculty, students, and staff. This license grants access to Microsoft 365 services, including Microsoft Office desktop and mobile apps, as well as 1TB of OneDrive cloud storage. You can use your UVM NetID to install and activate Microsoft 365 apps on up to 5 desktops/laptops, 5 tablets, and 5 mobile devices. These devices can be UVM-owned or personal devices. The apps can be used for UVM or personal work.

See our Office 365 – Licensing, Installation, and Activation Knowledge Base article for details.

Software Support Resources

  • UVM Help Line
    Support for ETS-recommended software is available through the ETS Help Line. Help Line staff members will attempt to answer your questions over the telephone. For more complex problems, they will create a "problem ticket", and the issue will be assigned to higher-level support staff.
  • Tech Team Computer Clinic
    Drop in, no appointment needed, for help with ETS-recommended software and supported computer hardware.
  • CTL Open Hours
    The Center for Teaching and Learning provides one-on-one support for faculty in the use of classroom technologies. Help is available by appointment or during scheduled hours.
  • Grossman School of Business Computing Help
    The School of Business has computer requirements and services that differ from the UVM standard. This site details those differences and provides help resources.
  • College of Medicine Information Systems (COMIS)
    The College of Medicine hosts their own Information Systems department. Questions regarding software and services provided by the College of Medicine should be directed to their help desk at 656-7300
  • College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (CEMS)
    CEMS-related software installation and support information.



Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions at the University of Vermont

UVM subscribes to a Microsoft volume licensing program for the most commonly used Microsoft software. The Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES) program provides the latest releases of the following software for all University-owned computers:

  • Office 365 and Professional for Windows and macOS
  • Windows operating system upgrades
  • Visual Studio
  • Certain specialized software
  • Microsoft eLearning Library (MELL)

Microsoft Select Agreement

The Microsoft® Select Agreement License Program offers University of Vermont departments a simple and flexible way to acquire Microsoft software licenses not covered under EES. It offers volume-based, discounted price levels that allow you to forecast software licenses based upon IT needs and then begin distributing software throughout your department. Here's how it works:

  • Purchase a license for each computer you want to install the software on.
  • Purchase a single CD for each version of an application your department buys. Having the CD in your department will allow for easy and efficient reinstallation should it be necessary. Media is available generally for current releases only, so we strongly recommend that you get the media now rather than when you need it.
  • When you need to install the software on additional computers, simply purchase additional licenses and reuse the media you bought for that version.

If you are interested in a Microsoft software title other than Office, please contact the TechStore in the Bookstore by phone (656-3067) or email with name, department, product wanted, quantity, operating system (Windows/Mac), and chart string, and they'll be happy to respond with pricing information.

Licensing FAQ

What Is Microsoft Enrollment For Education Solutions (EES)?

Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions is an annual subscription licensing program for Microsoft software. EES counts the number of licenses for people, not computers, making it easier to implement and distribute Microsoft software on a large scale.

What Microsoft software, upgrades, and resources are available through EES?

EES for UVM includes the following Microsoft products:

  • Microsoft Windows operating system upgrades:
    • Upgrades only: computers must be purchased with a valid Windows license or macOS if running Windows in a Virtual Machine (VM)
    • Workstation licenses only: server products are not included in EES
  • Microsoft Office suites and applications
  • Visual Studio Professional
  • Desktop Optimization Package (DOP), which includes (among other things):
    • Microsoft Application Virtualization
    • Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset
    • Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization
  • Core Client Access Licenses (CALs):
    • Windows Server CAL
    • Exchange Standard CAL
    • SharePoint CAL
    • System Center Configuration Manager CAL
  • Access to the Microsoft eLearning Library (MELL)
Am I eligible to participate in EES?

Faculty and staff who regularly use university-owned computers in their jobs are eligible under UVM's implementation of EES.

Are students covered by EES?

Students are entitled to download and use Microsoft Office 365 on multiple devices. Visit Office 365 – Licensing, Installation, and Activation.

In addition, the Grossman School of Business and the College of Medicine have included their students in separate "Student Option" agreements, which entitle these covered students to install Microsoft Office for personal use. When these students graduate, they get to keep the then-current edition of Microsoft Office. If a student leaves UVM (for reasons other than graduating), this copy of Microsoft Office must be removed.

Students are allowed to use EES-covered products that are installed on UVM-owned computers, for example in computer labs or libraries, or when working in a UVM office.

I work from home, am I still eligible for EES?

Faculty and staff who work from home can participate in EES through Office 365. In addition, your department can purchase a separate license for Microsoft Software under the Select Agreement through the UVM Bookstore.

What if I use my own computer at work?

If you use your personally-owned computer at UVM, and if you'd be covered for EES on a UVM-owned computer, you can use software provided by Office 365. In addition, your department can purchase a separate license for Microsoft Software under the Select Agreement through the UVM Bookstore.

What is the difference between EES and Select Agreement?

EES can be thought of as a rental program: the University pays one blanket fee for one blanket license that allows access to all versions and upgrades of a particular set of products (listed above). If UVM stops participating in EES, all products installed under the EES license must be removed from computers. At that time, discounted perpetual licenses could be purchased through Select Agreement. With Select Agreement, you buy each software copy on a one-by-one basis, and each installation or upgrade must have its own individually purchased license key.

How can I get software through EES?

Software is available primarily through the campus computer network, allowing you to install it on any campus-connected computer without needing a CD or DVD. New departmental/UVM-owned Windows and Mac computers purchased through the Techstore will have Microsoft Office preinstalled. UVM faculty and staff who work from home can obtain software through Office 365.

What about installing Windows on Macs?

Macs are permitted under EES to install and run Windows on a separate partition using Boot Camp, or running Windows with virtual machine software such as VMWare Fusion or Parallels.