UVM Retired Faculty Software Access Guidelines


UVM software licenses are tied to active students and employees (paid or unpaid). As such, the barrier to retirees’ access to software is because they are designated in our HR systems as non-active affiliates and, consequently, do not have access to the UVM software library.


  1. Creation of an “Active Retired Faculty” appointment within our Emeriti Faculty population.
  2. Holders of the rank in this restricted category will be treated as non-paid faculty/researchers with full access to research support services, including software.
  3. The scope of this proposal is limited to software and services provided by Enterprise Technology Services (ETS).

Process of Review and Approval

Determining who should qualify for this special designation will involve department Chairs, Deans, and the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs (VPFA).

  • Step 1: Active UVM retiree applies for the “active retired faculty” designation by submitting a completed application form to the Chair of their former department via email. The application includes a description of their active research or academic activities and a copy of their current CV.
  • Step 2: The department Chair reviews the application, including evaluation of the active status of the applicant based on department standards and expectations.
  • Step 3: The department Chair recommends that the Dean approve or not approve a request via email.
  • Step 4: The process ends here if the request is not approved. The Dean submits a letter of disapproval of the request to the applicant via email. If the request is approved, the Dean prepares a letter of approval to be attached with the formal application into a hire ePAR in PeopleSoft.
  • Step 5: Application for formal designation of a retiree as “active retired faculty” will be submitted by using the PeopleSoft ePAR functionality (PDF), following a process similar to all requests for unpaid faculty designations at UVM. Application material should include the approved application package and the Chair and Dean’s letter of support; these will be attached to the ePAR request in PeopleSoft. NOTE: the Job Code that should be used is 0950 - Active Retired Faculty.
  • Step 6: The department approver will insert the VPFA into the ePAR workflow for their approval. When the ePAR is reviewed by HR, they will confirm that the VPFA was inserted. If not, HR will insert the VPFA. The VPFA and Provost designee reviews and approves the ePAR and notifies the academic unit of the outcome of the application. The academic unit is responsible for informing the applicant about the result of their application.
  • Step 7: Appeal submission to VPFA if the department/home unit denies the request based on costs or reasons other than active research or academic activities.
  • Step 8: Once the ePAR is approved and posted in PeopleSoft, ETS will provision access to “most” UVM software services for people with this Job Code, just as they would for a regular full-time faculty member.


  • Each approval will be for a period of 3 years.
  • Retirees will be required to submit applications for re-approval every three years.

Submitted by:

Jane Okech, Professor and Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

Simeon Ananou, Chief Information Officer

Effective July 1, 2023

Updated January 22, 2025.v4