Puck Rombach

MATH 273: Graph Theory


Book: Diestel's Graph Theory

Week Day Book Notes Solutions
1 T: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Notes 1
R: 1.5, 1.6
2 T: 2.1 (Hall's Theorem) Notes 2
R: 2.1 (Konig's Thm)
3 T: 2.1 (Stable Matchings) Notes 3
R: 3.1 (Ear Decomposition)
4 T: 3.1 (Block Decomposition) Notes 4
R: 3.3 (Menger, first proof)
5 T: 4.4 (Kuratowski)
R: 5.1 (Coloring planar graphs)
6 T: 5.2 (Greedy and Brooks) Notes 6
R: 5.2 (More chromatic number)
7 T: 5.3 (Edge coloring) Notes 7
R: Graph theory applications with Hunter
8 T: 6.2 (Min-cut max-flow) Notes 8
9 T: 7.1 (Extremal graph theory) Notes 9
R: 7.1
10 T: 9.1 (Ramsey) Notes 10
R: (Ramsey numbers)
11 T: 11.1 (Random graphs) Notes 11
R: 11.2 (Probabilistic method)
12 T: 10.1 (Dirac's Theorem) Notes 12
R: 12.1 (Well-quasi-ordering)
13 T: Miscellaneous Notes 13
R: Intro Chrom. Polynomial
14 T: Chromatic polynomial Notes 14
15 T: