• Students look through binoculars in Birding for Change course in Burlington forest

NOTE: UVM is transitioning to a new brand including logos, colors, and fonts. This legacy page will remain available as a resource during the transision, but for all new materials we ask that you refer to guidance our Brand Guide at uvm.edu/brand.



As we strengthen the University of Vermont’s creative communications, it’s important that we all adhere to the same set of style and design rules. This style guide serves as a resource, and contains answers to questions you might have, such as, “Which fonts are okay to use?” or “What is the official UVM color palette?” As more and more creative work comes to life, this guide will evolve, so please refer to it periodically, including the Downloads and Examples page.

A few examples of when you might refer to the style guide:

  • You’re beginning a print piece or a website and want a refresher on the university's official creative positioning and tone.
  • You're curious about design elements, such as patterns and decorative elements.
  • You’re creating a presentation for a conference and need a UVM-branded PowerPoint.
  • You’re using an outside source to design materials for your department/organization, and need to provide them with the correct color palette, logo and typeface usage rules.
  • You’re charged with taking photos at a university event and want some creative direction.

Upcoming Meetings & Workshops:

Campus Communicators

Various topics. Subscribe to the communicators listserv to receive meeting agendas.

Social Media Discussion Group

Subscribe to the social media listserv to receive updates on campaigns and trainings, ask questions, and share ideas.