We've established some base design settings for our e-Newsletter templates with the Salesforce e-Marketing platform. These settings are automatically adopted when working with the UVM templates within Salesforce. If you are working in other e-Marketing platforms, you extend the settings outlined here to your platform of choice. The font selection is restricted to web-safe fonts.

Design options in Salesforce

Salesforce Design settings for the Multipurpose template.

Design options within Salesforce

Template style

The template style establishes the color for the e-Newsletter background, and content background colors as well as the border color and border weight. Here are the settings to use:

Settings within the template style panel in Salesforce


Body Style

The Body panel under Salesforce's Design settings


Primary Title (H1)

Settings for the primary title


Secondary Title (H2)

Settings for the secondary (H2) title


Tertiary Title (H3)

Tertiary (H3) title settings


Settings for linked text

settings for linked text


Settings for buttons

settings for buttons


Mobile style settings

mobile style settings