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myUVM – Course Building for Instructors

Course Building

The Office of The Registrar works in conjunction with academic units across campus to create the schedule of courses for each upcoming semester, please see the following page for additional information:  Office of the Registrar | Course Building

Course Action Forms

UVM uses the CourseLeaf system, and allows instructors to make changes or deactivate existing courses, reactivating course sections or proposing a new course.

CourseLeaf Information

Please review the following page for more information about access policies, available forms and how to complete them: Office of the Provost | Course Action Forms

myUVM CourseLeaf Access

  1. Go to the myUVM Discover Page
  2. Enter Course Building in the search bar
  3. Click the CourseLeaf (Course Action Forms) link
  4. CourseLeaf will open in a new browser tab

myUVM Discovery Page, Course Building card, link to Course Action Forms

Changes To Course Sections

During the Schedule of Course Timeline, instructors will have the option to make changes to their assigned course sections or request new sections to be added. Instructors should reach out to their department chairs for information regarding, when these changes will be available and their due dates.

Instructors can access these forms using the Course Building card found in myUVM. Please note this card is only available to the following roles: Faculty, College Deans, Department Chairs, and Registrar Staff.

If you are an instructor, and do not have access to this card, please reach out to the Registrar’s Office to verify you are setup correctly with the Universities services and applications.

Access The Change & New Section Request Forms

  1. Go to the myUVM Discover Page
  2. Enter Course Building in the search bar
  3. The forms will be listed under Your Courses
  4. Choose the form that fits the process, New Section or Changes to a Section
  5. After clicking the link, the form will open in a new browser tab

How to find schedule of courses card

Expanded Section Descriptions

When considering which courses to register for, an Expanded Section Description (ESD) provides additional information about course offerings. Students will be able to view an online syllabus,  descriptions of course content,  student expectations and final grading methods.

The Office of The Registrar provides detailed instruction for students viewing information instructors have entered: Office of the Registrar | Viewing Expanded Section Descriptions

Enter Section Description in myUVM

Session Timeout Error

Users may experience a Session Timeout error when opening Self Service. To fix this issue you will need to clear your browser cache, directions on how to do this can be found here: UVM KB – Clearing Browser Cache

  1. Go to the myUVM Discover Page
  2. Enter Course Building in the search bar
  3. Click the Enter your ESD link
  4. Self Service will open in a new browser tab

Use the discover pages to search for Course Building card, and click the Enter ESD to open Self Service Banner
Search for the Course Management card

  1. In Self Service use the term select and CRN select drop down menus
  2. Enter information into form fields and click the Submit button

how to enter ESD in Self Service Banner
Self Service Banner Expanded Section Description Page

Task Information

The ESD page provides task details, such as character limits, user interface constraints, tips for what to include, and how to copy an ESD from a previous term.

Checking Courses For Next Term

After the deadline for Course Action Forms, the Office of The Registrar will make course offerings public for instructors in Self Service.

Verify Course with myUVM

Session Timeout Error

Users may experience a Session Timeout error when opening Self Service. To fix this issue you will need to clear your browser cache, directions on how to do this can be found here: UVM KB – Clearing Browser Cache

  1. Go to the myUVM Discover Page
  2. Enter Course Building in the search bar
  3. Click the Verify Your Courses for Next Term link
  4. Self Service will open in a new browser tab

Use the course building card to access report for verifying courses for next semester

  1. Select a Final SOC Proof report for an upcoming term/li>

SOC Proofing Reports for Instructors in Self Service

Room Assignment Review and Room Change Requests

Instructors can view their assigned classrooms for a coming semester using Schedule of Course Search Tool


The Course Building card provides additional information on the Universities’ class room scheduling policy, the room change request form, and access to the Event Management Software Portal

View Room Assignments In The Schedule of Courses

  1. Go to the Schedule of Course Page
  2. Instructors will then choose a Term and enter their Last Name in the Instructor Field and click the Search Button

SOC Choose Term and enter last name

  1. A new menu will appear with matching search results, choose a course to view information for. A new menu will open to the right containing the course’s information.
  2. Room information will be under the Meeting Info section. If the meeting info indicates “Varies by section“, instructors should scroll down within this menu, from the All Sections listing instructors should choose their section.

SOC Choose a course

SOC Choose a section


  1. The currently open Course Information menu will refresh with chosen Section Information. Course section room assignment will be located under the Meeting Info section

SOC: View Section Meeting Info


Request A Room Change

The Office of The Registrar provides the Room Change Request form in myUVM, found under the Course Building card, for instances of ADA compliance, student enrollment demand, media equipment requirements,  or other instructor provided reasons

  1. Go to the myUVM Discover Page
  2. Enter Course Building in the search bar
  3. Within the card, scroll to the Your Classrooms Section
  4. Follow the Room Change Request Form link

Course Building card access room change form

  1. The form will open in a new tab
  2. Instructors will need to provide:
    • Contact Information
    • Which course sections the request is being made for
    • Reason for the room change request

Room change request form for instructors

  1. Submit the form and The Office of The Registrar will review the request, and reach out with further questions and / or the status of request.

Updated on November 25, 2024

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