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myUVM – Class Registration for Students

My Courses Card Locked

The week preceding, during, and after the initial week of registration, the My Courses Card will be locked. During this time, users will not be able to remove or move the card.locked card on dashboard for registration


myUVM allows students to access the Universities’ online Self Service system and for all students to perform the following:

  • Check registration status for past, current and future terms
  • Look up courses being offered (Search for classes)
  • Create and change your schedules for a coming term during the Registration period
  • Adjust class schedules during the Add / Drop / Withdraw period.

Registration Week

When Can I Register For Classes?

When available the registration system is typically available from 7:00AM until midnight (Eastern Time).

Depending on your academic level, program being pursued, and completed credits, will determine when you can register for a class. The Registration Schedule provides detailed information regarding credits completed and associated academic level: Registration Schedule | Office of The Registrar

Student should review this in conjunction with their registration status to understand when they should register for classes.

View Your Registration Status in Self-Service

  1. Log into myUVM and navigate to the Discover Page
  2. Search for the My Courses Card
  3. Follow the Check Registration Status link, Self Service will open in a new browser tab
  4. Choose the term you are trying to find your status for
  5. Click submit and your information will be displayed

Add/Drop/Withdraw Period

At the beginning of each semester, students will have the opportunity to make adjustment to their courses, by adding or dropping course sections. After the first couple of weeks of a semester, students will only have the ability to withdraw from a course.

Students are encouraged to consult the University’s Academic Calendar to understand the available course adjustments and their respective deadlines: Academic Calendar | Office of The Registrar

Register For Classes / Adjusting Academic Schedules

Whether its Registration Week or the Add / Drop / Withdraw Period, all students will use the same set of tools and services to adjust their course before and during a semester.

Student will primarily interact with the Self-Service Classes Page, which allows students to adjust their courses for a term, and can be accessed from the My Courses card in myUVM.

Find the Classes page

  1. Go to the myUVM Discover Page.
    Link Not Working?

    If the above link doesn’t work, you can get to the Discover page by navigating to myuvm.uvm.edu, scrolling down to the bottom of the page, and then clicking Discover More.

  2. Search for My Courses in the Search Bar, and then click the Manage My Courses link on the My Courses card.

My courses card, allows access to self service for student registration and add drop

  1. In the Self Service tab that opens, choose a term and click Submit.
  2. The Add/Drop/Withdraw Classes page will appear. You can use the Action drop-down or Class Search tool as needed.

using ssb to add drop or withdraw from courses

Add Classes

Students can use the Add/Drop/Withdraw Classes page each semester to add classes for a future term, or to add classes near the beginning of a term. Courses can be added either by searching for a course section or directly entering a CRN under the Add Classes Worksheet section.

  1. To begin searching for a course section to add, click the Class Search button.

Button for class search in self service banner

  1. The Advanced Search page will provide a list of fields that can be used to search through courses.
    Searches must include at least one Subject

    While the other fields are optional, Subject is required.

  2. After choosing your search terms, click Section Search.

Advanced class search in self service banner

  1. Results will be displayed in a table with course information such as meeting times, locations, and enrollment totals.
    • Each CRN provides a link to additional course section information including add/drop/withdrawal dates, refunds, and expanded section descriptions for which topics a section covers.
    • The letter C under the Select column indicates that the course section is closed.
      Registering for an open class or add to worksheet
  2. After making a selection from the displayed results, you have two options:
    • Register – Self Service will register you for the class(es) and return you to the Add/Drop/Withdraw page, where the class(es) should appear under the
      Current Schedule section.
    • Add to Worksheet – Self Service will return you to the
      Add/Drop/Withdraw page, where the CRNs selected on the
      previous page will be added to the
      Add Classes Worksheet section. You can now either
      search for a different class or exit the page.
  3. If you used the Register button, the course will be added
    to your Current Schedule with a Status of “You are registered!”

Successful registration in self service

Add classes using Classes Worksheet

  1. Enter the Course Registration Numbers (CRNs) of the classes you’d like to add in the boxes under CRNs, and then click Submit Changes.
    Need to look up CRNs?

    You can find CRNs using Course Search (directions above) or by browsing the
    Schedule of Courses.</a ></strong >

    Registering for classes with the class worksheet feature

  2. If the information is correct and you meet the class requirements, the courses will be added under the Current Schedule section. A Status message will indicate if you are successfully registered.

Registration errors

When registering directly from a Class Search result page or using the Classes Worksheet, you may encounter errors. Self Service will provide information regarding the error. Please reach out to the Office of The Registrar for information on how to handle the received error.
Example of a registration error and information that is returned

Removing Classes

You can drop classes near the beginning of each semester. You can perform this action on your own within the first week, but it will require instructor permission after that. Please review the academic calendar for specific deadlines for dropping a course:Academic Calendars | Office of the Registrar.

Drop a class in Self Service

Switching Sections

Before dropping a course, please be advised that after the fifth day of classes, instructor permission is needed to add a course. If your desire is to switch from one section to another, you should obtain instructor permission for the course you wish to add before you drop the section in which you are already enrolled, or you will not be able to add it back should you change your mind.

  1. Navigate to the Add/Drop/Withdraw Page in Self Service.
  2. Use the Action column drop-down menu to select the Drop this course (Web) option by the course you wish to drop, and then click Submit Changes to process the drop request.
    How to drop a course in self service
  3. The page will refresh and the class will be removed from the Current Schedule section.
    Drop w/ Instructor Permission

    Unenrolling from a course at a time when it requires instructor permission may require an additional waiting period while the instructor processes your request.

Withdraw from a class in Self Service

You may face significant academic and financial consequences associated with withdrawing from a course. Please consult Student Financial Services as well as your course instructor, your academic advisor, and/or your Dean’s Office before withdrawing from a course.

  1. Navigate to the Add/Drop/Withdraw Page in Self Service.
  2. Check the box in the Request Withdraw field in the Current Schedule section, and then click Submit Changes to send
    your request.
  3. The request will be pending until the date displayed. You may cancel the withdrawal request as long as it is pending by unchecking the box and then clicking Submit Changes.

Change Variable Credits

During the Add/Drop period students will have the ability to adjust variable credits if the course allows. Students can perform this action in Self-Service accessed from the My Courses card.

Variable Credit Change In Self-Service

  1. Log into myUVM and navigate to the Discover Page
  2. Search for the My Courses Card
  3. Follow the Change Variable Credits link, Self Service will open in a new browser tab

link to adjust variable credits

  1. Choose an available Term Code
  2. Adjust your course credits and click the Submit Change button

Help & Inquiries

For any questions regarding further assistance, additional information, or anticipate difficulty registering for courses on your assigned day due to a religious observance, please contact the Office of the Registrar.

The Center For Academic Success provides Priority Registration for students
with disabilities, find out more information here:
Priority Registration</a >

Updated on November 6, 2024

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