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Tags: forest inventory
- Dataset Variable Names and Format (Score: 1)
- Dataset Forest Inventory (Score: 1)
- Project Historical Forest Inventory and Analysis Data for Maine (Score: 0.83)
- Dataset Carbon Storage and Net Growth of Vermonts Forests (Score: 0.83)
- Dataset Inventory Powell Data (Score: 0.83)
- Dataset Plot Snapshot Data Gathered Through the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program (Score: 0.71)
- Project Holt Research Forest Sapling Mapping, S10 Lines (Score: 0.67)
- Project Forest Survey and Inventory Data for Society for the Protection of NH Forests (Score: 0.67)
- Dataset Vermont Forest Inventory and Analysis Seedling Table (Score: 0.67)
- Dataset Species Codes (Score: 0.67)
- Project New York City Watershed Lands Forest Inventory (Score: 0.59)
- Project Holt Research Forest Salamander Stations Timber Inventory (Score: 0.58)
- Project Holt Research Forest Understory Releve, S1 Lines (Score: 0.58)
- Project Holt Research Forest Understory Releve, Subquadrats (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset FIA Data After Ice Storm (Score: 0.58)
- Project Holt Research Forest Small Mammal Stations Timber Inventory (Score: 0.5)
- Project Shaw Mountain Ice Storm Study 1998-2002 (Score: 0.5)
- Project Baseline Data for Long-term Forest Vegetation Monitoring at Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (Score: 0.5)
- Project Northampton Street Tree Inventory (Score: 0.5)
- Project Northeast Temperate Inventory and Monitoring Network (Score: 0.5)
- Project Estimation of Pisgah State Park Carbon Storage, Sequestration, Emissions and Removals (Score: 0.5)
- Dataset Vermont Forest Cover (Score: 0.5)
- Dataset Overstory Tree Inventory (Score: 0.5)
- Dataset North East Temperate Inventory (Score: 0.5)
- Dataset Forest Inventory of a Calcium Amended Northern Hardwood Forest 1996-2011: Watershed 1, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (Score: 0.5)
- Dataset Inventory of Hubbard Brook Valley Plots (Score: 0.5)
- Dataset Hemlock History Plots at Harvard Forest since 1995 (Score: 0.5)
- Project Green Mountain National Forests Long-term Ecosystem Monitoring Project (LEMP) (Score: 0.47)
- Project Massachusetts State Lands Continuous Forest Inventory (Score: 0.47)
- Project Global Change Fingerprints in Protected Montane Forests of Northeastern US (Score: 0.42)
- Project New York City Watershed Lands Forest Stand Delination (Score: 0.42)
- Project Federal Forest Inventory and Analysis Data for the Northeast (Score: 0.42)
- Project Forest Research at Harvard Forest (Score: 0.42)
- Project Forest Research at Penobscot Experimental Forest (Score: 0.42)
- Project Connecticut Highlands Study (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Baxter State Park Scientific Management Area- CFI (Access Database) (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Tree recruitment data for the Hubbard Brook Valley Plots, baseline data collected 1995 - 1998 (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Overstory Tree and Regeneration Data from the "Management Intensity Demonstration" Study: Penobscot Experimental Forest (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Silvicultural Effects on Composition, Structure, and Growth" study at Penobscot Experimental Forest (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Understory Vegetation in Hemlock Removal Experiment at Harvard Forest since 2003 (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Long-Term Impacts of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid on Forest Carbon at Harvard Forest 2008-2011 (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Ecosystem and Vegetation Response to Hemlock Logging in Southern New England 1999-2005 (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Vegetation Response in Simulated Hurricane Experiment at Harvard Forest since 1990 (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Tree Seedlings in CRUI Land Use Project at Harvard Forest 1996 (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Tree Seed Dispersal in Hemlock Removal Experiment at Harvard Forest 2005 (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Plantation Biodiversity Plots at Harvard Forest since 2007 (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Phenology and Vegetation Growth in Prospect Hill Soil Warming Experiment at Harvard Forest 1992-1993 (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Hurricane Recovery Plots at Harvard Forest since 1937 (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Forest Inventory of a Whole Tree Harvest 1982-2009: Watershed 5, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (Score: 0.42)
- Dataset Forest Inventory of a Northern Hardwood Forest 1965-2017: Watershed 6, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (Score: 0.42)
- Project Vermont Forest Health Monitoring (Score: 0.33)
- Project Vermont Long-Term Soil Monitoring Program (Score: 0.33)
- Project Continuous Forest Inventory on the state forests in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont (Score: 0.33)
- Project Baxter State Park Scientific Forest Management Area - Continuous Forest Inventory (Score: 0.33)
- Project Massachusetts Forest Health Monitoring (Score: 0.33)
- Project Regional Forest Health Monitoring (Score: 0.33)