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Graduating or Leaving UVM

When leaving UVM, access to most services requiring login with your UVM NetID will change or end over time following your last day as a student enrolled in courses. Timelines for when you will no longer be able to access each service, as well as how to save or transfer any files you wish to keep from them, can be found in the Recommendations and Timelines section below.

Save some stress by preparing ahead!

We strongly encourage you to read through and follow the recommendations below before your last day at UVM to ensure that you have enough time to export your data before you lose access.

It has been a pleasure to provide you with computing services during your time at the University of Vermont. Best wishes on your future academic and professional endeavors.

Recommendations and Timelines

Transcript Requests

Current and former students will find the transcript request link on the Academic Records card in myUVM. A current Duo multifactor authentication device is required for this service.

You may also request your transcript on the Registrar’s Request Your Transcript page. This method does not require Duo.

UVM Email

Available for 1 year after your last day of classes

  • If your UVM email is connected to any 3rd party accounts (Spotify, Facebook, etc.), make sure to update your account profile to use a personal email address instead.
  • Set up an auto-reply message within your UVM email account that provides your non-UVM email address and how to get in touch with you in the future.
  • See our email export guide for information on backing up your emails stored in your UVM account.

Microsoft 365

Available until you are no longer an active UVM student.

Your UVM Microsoft 365 license is what allows you to download and use Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) for free. UVM continues to provide this license until you are no longer an active UVM student.

If you need to use these applications after it has expired you can either:

  • Subscribe to a personal Microsoft 365 license (making sure to use an email other that your UVM email for your Microsoft account).
  • Use an alternative set of applications, such as Google Workspace, Libre Office, etc.

Microsoft Teams

Available until you are no longer an active UVM student.

Prepare by following the recommendations below.

  • Download any files or content from chats or teams that you’d like to have continued access to.
  • If you’d like to continue using Teams, you can sign up for a free account. Make sure to use a non-UVM email when signing up.


Available until you are no longer an active UVM student.

After leaving UVM, students have their Office license changed to A1 instead of A3, which grants 100GB of storage space instead of 1TB. If you are over this new limit, you will still be able to copy files onto local storage, but you won’t be able to upload anything new. You keep this license for approximately 1 year, after which you will no longer have OneDrive access through UVM.


Available for 1 year after your last day of classes

  • Files stored on Zoo can be accessed using the methods detailed in our Accessing Network Folders guide. After connecting to your Zoo storage, you can transfer any files you wish to keep to local storage.
  • If files are not transferred prior to your last day of class, you will need to access the files using the FileZilla (sftp) method (Windows or macOS).
  • If you have a webpage on Zoo (found at uvm.edu/~yournetid), and you have previously directed users to that page in the past, consider updating the page to refer users to an external website that they can reference in the future after your UVM site is removed.


Available for 1 year after your last day of classes

Silk sites are removed 1 year after you leave UVM.

  • Files stored on Silk can be accessed using the methods detailed in our Accessing Network Folders guide. After connecting to your Silk storage, you can download any files you wish to keep to local storage.
  • If you have a webpage on silk (found at yournetid.w3.uvm.edu), and you have previously directed users to that page in the past, consider updating the page to refer users to an external website that they can reference in the future after your UVM site is removed.


Access removed after finals week

  • Access to Cisco AnyConnect VPN is removed within 7 business days of finals week.
  • If you believe your affiliation is incorrect, please submit a help ticket.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

Access removed after finals week

  • Access to UVM’s virtual desktop infrastructure (Virtual Votey, ArcGIS, etc.) will go away immediately following the last day of finals. Please ensure that you’ve completed any necessary work pertaining to this service before the deadline.
  • If you believe your affiliation is incorrect, please submit a help ticket.


How can I stay connected with UVM as an alum?

Stay connected with UVM by updating your contact information at: https://go.uvm.edu/alumni-contact.

When will I lose access to services?

The exact time that your access to UVM services will change depends on when your UVM affiliation switches from “Student” to “Alumni (Former Student)” in our system.

This affiliation change occurs within 7 business days after the finals week of your last semester at UVM.

Please expand the toggles in the Recommendations and Timelines portion of the guide above to see more details related to when each service will go away.

Does this apply if I am taking a leave of absence?

If you have arranged an official leave of absence with your college, your NetID account should maintain your “current student” affiliation status.


Updated on July 31, 2024

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