Video tours
List of CEMS Teaching labs
CEMS Teaching labs are housed in Votey and Discovery buildings (UVM campus map).
- Fluids VOTEY 101
- Materials and Structures VOTEY 114A
- Reaction Frame Observation VOTEY 114
- Advanced Projects VOTEY 120
- Prototype Shop VOTEY 125
- Geotechnical VOTEY 127
- Biomedical Engineering VOTEY 225
- Fabrication (FabLab) VOTEY 242
- Clean Materials VOTEY 246
- Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Projects VOTEY 308
- TESLA Energy Systems VOTEY 312
- MARCONI Communication Systems VOTEY 328
- KILBY Digital Electronics VOTEY 330
- KIRCHOFF Electrical Fundamentals VOTEY 332
- FARADAY Circuits and Electronics VOTEY 334
- Environmental Engineering DISCOVERY W218
Providing a safe environment for all education and research activities is a priority for the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. Please visit the CEMS Lab Safety page to learn more about our safety program.
Teaching lab schedules
All teaching lab schedules can be viewed on EMS.
Email the CEMS Lab Manager or department administrator with scheduling requests.
Working in CEMS Teaching Labs
Lab supervisors and graduate students that work in CEMS teaching labs must complete the online training courses required by UVM and attend the CEMS Safety and Emergency Response Training annually. See CEMS Lab Safety for more info.
Lab Specific Training
Lab-specific training is carried out by the lab supervisor or the CEMS Lab Manager. It is the responsibility of the lab supervisor to ensure that students and workers in their lab have received the appropriate training and that all training and procedures are documented in the Lab Safety Notebook. See CEMS Lab Safety
- New employees must complete the relevant Lab Orientation Training Checklist and place a copy in the Lab Safety Notebook: UVM Lab Training Checklist (PDF), Electrical Engineering Lab Training Checklist (PDF)
- Review relevant procedures for the equipment or process of interest
- New procedures and equipment require a hazard assessment and Standard Operating Procedure. Contact UVM Risk Management and Safety for a consultation.
- Document lab- or equipment-specific training in the Lab Safety Notebook
- Report any issues to the lab supervisor or email the CEMS Lab Manager
Graduate Students
Below are a few tips to prepare for working in CEMS teaching labs:
- Complete the Lab Specific Training for New Employees (above).
- Ask your supervisor about training specific to the lab you will be working in.
- Graduate students are encouraged to complete UVM's fire extinguisher training. Note: UVM students and employees are not permitted to use a fire extinguisher without this training.
- Contact your department administrator for Key or CatCard access requests two weeks prior to date needed. Access will not be granted until the requisite safety training is complete.
Access to Teaching Labs
Votey and Perkins: Monday - Friday 7:00AM - 10:00PM
Dean's Office (Votey 109): Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Teaching Labs: If access is needed outside of regularly scheduled course times, email the CEMS Lab Manager or department administrator:
- Pattie McNatt (interim), Mechanical Engineering
- Pattie McNatt, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Beth Pratt, Electrical and Biomedical Engineering
Lab citizens Initiative
UVM and CEMS support a culture of inclusiveness, stewardship, and safety in our labs. This means that everyone does their part to create a safe and supportive work environment. Good lab citizens will contribute to keeping their lab facilities clean, safe, and functioning so that all users can have the best experience possible. To do your part:
- Complete the appropriate training prior to working in labs
- Communicate problems, issues, or lab needs. All users are encouraged to speak up if something is wrong, broken, or unsafe. Please submit your feedback or contact the CEMS Lab Manager
- Graduate Teaching Assistants: Attend end of semester feedback sessions, contribute to course inventories, provide lab manual revisions
CEMS Lab Manager James Catalan
CEMS Facilities and Operations Douglas Dickey
Prototype Shop Manager Floyd Vilmont
FabLab Manager Jenn Karson
CEMS Lab Safety Contact Lee Diamond or email