Innovation E430
Differentiation of Integrals
Innovation E430Paul Hagelstein, Baylor University Friday, April 5, 4:30 PM Innovation E430 ABSTRACT: The topic of differentiation of integrals arises with the origins of calculus, yet in many respects remains mysterious with many open problems. This informal talk will provide a Read more…
Special Loci on Moduli Spaces of Abelian Varieties with Complex Multiplication
Innovation E430Anton Hilado, University of Vermont Innovation E430; 3:25-4:25 PM ABSTRACT: Moduli spaces of abelian varieties possess very interesting geometry. For instance, they may contain subvarieties which are themselves moduli spaces of what may be viewed as different abelian varieties. The Read more…
The Lived Experiences Measured Using Rings Study (LEMURS)
Innovation E430Chris Danforth, University of Vermont Innovation E430; 4:30-5:30 PM ABSTRACT: Building on a decade of work quantifying mood and health using social media activity, this talk will share preliminary findings from our new longitudinal wearables study of well-being. A cohort of Read more…