Co-location Process for the Schedule of Courses (SOC):
The concept of ‘Approved for Graduate Credit’ (AGC) where a single course meets the needs of both undergraduate and graduate students does not exist in the new numbering system. While programs establish independent graduate-level curricula over the next five years, the aim of AGC for prior 200-level AGC courses was achieved with 3/5000-level or 4/5000-level co-locations. Only prior 200AGC courses were set up to be co-located across undergraduate and graduate levels and only if they were approved for potential co-location with the relevant paired new course in the process carried out 2023-2024.
1. Co-location requests from the pool of previously approved potential co-locations must be approved by the Dean of the Graduate College each term.
2. The list of approved locations is here. This list is final. No additional co-locations will be approved.
3. Submit the syllabus for both the UG and GR section of the course. Co-located courses at different course levels MUST have separate syllabi; the outcomes, assessments, readings, and other course components must show evidence that the two different courses are each being taught at their corresponding levels.
4. Send the email to with ‘Colocation Request’ in the subject line.
5. The deadline for submitting the co-location request is one week before Department Proofing of the Schedule of Courses for the desired term.
6. Co-location requests for 3/5000-level and 4/5000-level courses are valid until 2028. After that time, the co-location will expire. These co-locations serve as a ‘bridge’ while the units develop permanent 5/6/7000-level courses.
7. Below is information that was historically correct but is no longer in effect:
In the Spring of 2023, the Graduate College approved a finite list of courses that are eligible for co-location.* Only courses from this list can be co-located in future terms but still must be approved each term.
For Fall 23/Spring 24/Summer 24 ONLY, co-location requests with Special Topics may be requested. This one-time exception is to allow units time to create the actual permanent courses desired for co-location. UG/GR co-locations with Special Topics are only permitted with 5990 Special Topics sections.
*New Co-location requests submitted after May 8th will no longer be considered. As explained in February 2023:
If you are unable to complete the work for the 200-level AGC co-locations by the February 15 deadline, an extension to May 8, 2023 is allowed. Courses that are not received by May 8, 2023 are no longer eligible for co-location. Academic Deans may submit a request for an extension of the co-location deadline to February 15, 2024; this request must be submitted by May 1, 2023 and approved before May 8, 2023. See the “Cross-listing, Concurrent Cross-listing/Co-located” section for processing instructions for courses that were granted an extension.