Welcome to the RSENR Financial Transaction Portal

Please use this site to submit transaction requests to the Rubenstein Business Service Center (RBSC).  The portal has been designed to walk you through all required documentation based on the type of transaction being processed.  You may upload forms, receipts, and other information as required.

Please submit your transaction request and associated documentation in one of the three categories listed below:


This site is for Faculty PurCard processing ONLY. Enter the PurCard Portal by clicking here and submit all documentation required for your monthly PurCard allocation.

Staff and Graduate Students should follow the process for reallocating PurCard journals and submitting documentation in the PeopleSoft system.

Financial Transactions

Submit all Financial Transaction requests to the RSENR Business Service Center via email: rsenrbusinessservicecenter@uvm.edu. Attach all documentation such as Quotes for Purchase Orders (Requisitions), Service Agreements, Expense Reimbursements and Check Requests such as foreign payments etc.


If you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact:

Financial Transactions: rsenrbusinessservicecenter@uvm.edu (Purchases, Reimbursements & Service)
Human Resources: rsenrhr@uvm.edu (Hiring & Payroll)