The Rubenstein School is known for excellence in the study of the environment. Experiential learning, outstanding faculty, an innovative curriculum, and state-of-the-art research come together in our extraordinary outdoor laboratory and on-campus facilities.

Studying the Environment at the Rubenstein School
The school is home to five undergraduate majors and minors, faculty who love to teach, an innovation four-year core curriculum, resources to ensure academic success, and a team of Professional Advisors with expertise in wellness, career development, internships, undergraduate research, and more.
Undergraduate Core Curriculum Student Services FacultyHonors College
Academically high-achieving students are invited to become part of the Patrick Leahy Honors College when they are admitted to the University. Students already at UVM may apply for admission in the spring of their first year. Learn more about Honors College requirements for students in the Rubenstein School.

Related Programs
Many other programs at UVM include environmental and natural resource-related studies.
Accelerated Master's Program in Natural Resources Major in Environmental Studies (College of Arts and Sciences) Minor in Environmental Studies (College of Arts and Sciences) Certificate in Place-based Education (College of Education and Social Services)