The University of Vermont (UVM) Cancer Center is a matrix cancer center representing a partnership between the University of Vermont, the Larner College of Medicine and the University of Vermont Medical Center.
Members of the University of Vermont Cancer Center participate in at least one of the research programs, which include Cancer Population Science, Cancer Host and Environment, and Cancer Cell.
Members interested in clinical care and translational science have the opportunity to join one or more disease-focused trans-disciplinary teams where clinicians, physician-investigators, and scientists collaborate to deliver world-class care to our patient population.
Members are evaluated and appointed by University of Vermont Cancer Center Leadership and assigned membership in one of six categories: full member, associate member, clinical member, core clinical member, affiliate member and trainee member. See below for complete descriptions of member categories.

Apply for Membership
Members of the University of Vermont Cancer Center participate in at least one of the research programs, which include Cancer Population Science, Cancer Host and Environment, and Cancer Cell.
UVM Affiliates Membership Application Non-UVM Affiliates Membership ApplicationMembership Criteria
Membership Criteria
To be eligible for UVMCC membership, the applicant must maintain an appointment as full or part time faculty at the University of Vermont or maintain a Clinical or Research appointment/employment at one of the affiliated partners of UVMCC. Membership category is determined as follows.
Membership Categories
Internal Processes
Membership Benefits
Membership Application Forms

Questions? Please contact:
Kate Webster, Administrative Director
UVM Cancer Center
(802) 656-2137