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Tags: carbon
- Dataset Carbon Storage and Net Growth of Vermonts Forests (Score: 1)
- Dataset Diode Laser Based Flux Sensor (Score: 0.99)
- Project Estimation of Pisgah State Park Carbon Storage, Sequestration, Emissions and Removals (Score: 0.85)
- Project Black Rock Forest (Score: 0.8)
- Dataset Soil carbon and nitrogen plot means (Score: 0.8)
- Dataset Mean Tree BAI (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Mercury and Dissolved Organic Carbon in Soil Water (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Northeastern NY & northwestern VT carbon storage estimates (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Carbon Storage and Net Growth of the Northeastern Forests (Score: 0.7)
- Project Sugar Maple Canopy Photosynthetic Responses to the Environment (Score: 0.6)
- Project Eddy Covariance Measurements of Ecosystem CO2 Exchange (Score: 0.6)
- Project Weather-Related Causes of Red Spruce Winter Injury and Impacts on Carbon Storage (Score: 0.6)
- Project Controls on Forest Soil Carbon Storage (Score: 0.6)
- Project Northampton Street Tree Inventory (Score: 0.6)
- Dataset Stream Data (Score: 0.6)
- Dataset Tree Data for Intensive Sampling Forest Health Measurement (Phase 3) Plots (Score: 0.6)
- Project Winter Injury, Carbon Loss, but Surprising Growth Resurgence in Red Spruce (Score: 0.5)
- Project Long-term Managed Forest Soil Monitoring for Carbon and Nutrients (Score: 0.5)
- Project Wind Disturbance in Temperate Forests (Score: 0.5)
- Project Aboveground and coarse roots carbon storage estimates based on varying forest type specificity for northwestern Vermont and northeastern New York forests (Score: 0.5)
- Project Vermont Carbon Budget (Score: 0.5)
- Dataset Soil Water Data (Score: 0.5)
- Dataset Tree Growth and Coarse Woody Debris in Regenerating Forests at Harvard Forest since 2008 (Score: 0.5)
- Dataset Coarse Woody Debris data (Score: 0.4)