Project Overview
The Vermont Carbon Budget presents stocks and fluxes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (CO2-equivalence) from Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) based on the best available data on land use and land use management from 1990-2020. New data sets were developed to represent fertilizer use and manure management.
The Vermont Carbon Budget included the following research tasks: 1) Used bookkeeping approaches and FAO’s EX-ACT Tool as the framework for the Vermont Carbon Budget with IPCC emissions methodologies to account for GHG emissions from agriculture and related land uses in the AFOLU sector. 2) Utilized or constructed data products detailing AFOLU trends by sector from 1990 to 2020 (or as close to 2020 as possible) and supplemented inputs from EX-ACT with literature reviews and expert knowledge to categorize the stocks and fluxes requested by the VCC. 3) Provided all data sets, including input data and EX-ACT spreadsheets, for reference. 4) Identified where future carbon budgets would benefit from additional data collection.
Dataset Availability
Downloadable: 18 datasets
See the full list of available dataTags
Status - Completed
Start date: 1990-01-01
End date: 2020-01-31
Study Area