
For peer-reviewed, scientific publications on research conducted in the Lake Champlain basin region, search our Zotero Library.

Lake Champlain Videos is a series of recently released videos to help people understand the lake and its processes and the actions people can take to protect and improve water quality and keep themselves and their pets safe. Visit our YouTube Channel to see the full playlist.

For Lake Champlain Sea Grant publications that include scientific journal articles, reports, brochures, fact sheets, videos, public service announcements, and other materials about our research, outreach, and education related to the Lake Champlain basin, search below.

Economics of Water Quality

Published 2022
This rack card produced by BLUE BTV explains the connections between water quality the economy of the Lake Champlain basin, what Burlington, Vermont is doing to protect lake water quality, and what actions individuals can take to keep water clean.

How to Avoid Damage From Flooding

Published 2022
This 58-minute recorded webinar provides municipalities and communities with ways to avoid the increasing risks of flooding to vulnerable residents, to protect community services, and to maintain safe and prosperous communities. The speaker is Ned Swanberg, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Regional Floodplain Manager, and the intended audience is Municipal Officials.

How to Navigate Flood Resiliency Funding in Vermont

Published 2022
In this 47-minute recorded webinar, learn about case studies of flood mitigation projects funded through the FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs as well as Vermont’s new Flood Resilient Communities Fund (FRCF) program. The video helps viewers think about potential projects to reduce flood risk in their communities and learn about funding opportunities. The discussion was led by Stephanie Smith, State Hazard Mitigation Officer with Vermont Emergency Management, and the intended audience is Vermont Municipal Officials.

Keeping Dogs Safe From Cyanobacteria Blooms

Published 2022
This 2-page brochure helps dog owners understand the risks of exposure of their pet to harmful cyanobacteria blooms and how to recognize if their dog may have been poisoned by toxins.
