Staff Openings
Flood Resilience Educator—OPEN
The University of Vermont and Lake Champlain Sea Grant are hiring a Flood Resilience Educator. This position will promote enhanced municipal flood resilience by providing outreach and education on the topics of science-based watershed management and public policy supporting flood resilience. Working closely with The Nature Conservancy and other partner organizations, the flood resilience educator will develop and deliver educational programs and tools that help community leaders, and the public understand and effectively prepare for and respond to the impacts of climate change on communities within the Lake Champlain basin and Vermont.
By providing educational programs and tools, the Flood Resilience Educator will enhance knowledge and understanding of community flood resilience among municipal leaders and the general public. Specifically, this position will help municipal leaders to understand and address: the importance of protecting river corridor/river- floodplain systems; their responsibilities under Vermont’s recently adopted river corridor protections; tools, resources and planning techniques that can be implemented to protect communities from flooding and other weather-related hazards; opportunities for financial support following floods or other environmental disasters; co-benefits of river-floodplain ecosystems; and the connection between local policy decisions and downstream impacts.
A combination of education and experience will be considered in determining relative candidate qualifications. At a minimum, candidates will have:
- Bachelor’s degree in public administration, natural resources, environmental sciences, community development, community planning, or a field related to flood resilience and two years relevant experience.
- Strong writing and organizational skills.
- The ability to communicate effectively in person and virtually to individuals and larger groups and to accurately synthesize and deliver information.
- Experience developing, implementing, and evaluating outreach programs.
- Demonstrated ability and willingness to work with diverse constituencies.
- Knowledge and familiarity in using various web-based tools and programs, and the Microsoft program suite, especially Word, Excel, PowerPoint, GIS, Teams, and Outlook.
- Ability to provide own transportation to and from various work sites and locations
The position pay range is $47,000 - $52,000. This position is wholly supported by grant funds, and it is contingent upon the continuation of these funds. Therefore, the University cannot guarantee employment beyond January 2028.
Learn more and apply. Please apply no later than December 1, 2024.