The certificate requires 15 to 21 credits to complete. A minimum of 15 credits must be taken at UVM while enrolled in the program. The remaining 6 credits may be:
- Taken at UVM
- Fulfilled by appropriate previous graduate level credit courses
- Fulfilled by life experience
- Any combination of the above
Any method of fulfilling courses outside of UVM classes must be approved.
Required Core Courses
- Ecological Economic Theory: 3 credits
- Ecological Economic Methods: 3 credits
- Ecological Economic Practice: 3 credits OR Advanced Agroecology: 0-4 credits *or contact the Rubenstein School Graduate Program Coordinator for approved alternatives.
Additionally, students must fulfill several competency requirements:
- Natural Science (3 credits)
- Social Science (3 credits)
- Management (3 credits)
- Quantitative Methods/Statistics (3 credits)
Core Courses
Ecological Economic Theory: 3 credits
Ecological economics is an ongoing effort to reconcile economic theory and policy with accepted knowledge from other disciplines. This foundational course develops (1) a core understanding of the basic tenants of neoclassical economic theory, (2) an interdisciplinary critique of economic behavior and production models, and (3) a transdisciplinary foundation for problem-solving in the context of the scale and complexity of 21st century social and environmental problems. Students research, write, and present a paper that meets an academic conference/journal standard of review. As a gateway course to the Graduate Certificate, weekly seminars build peer mentoring relationships.
Ecological Economic Methods: 3 credits
Ecological economics considers the human economy as embedded in a social system and constrained by the biophysical world. As such, problem definition, analysis, and synthesis draws from many disciplinary perspectives. This course reviews key analytical tools used by ecological economists, and then develops methods for interdisciplinary synthesis such as dynamic systems modeling, multi-criteria analysis, input-output analysis, and spatial modeling of ecosystem services. Students develop a model of coupled human-natural systems to investigate a current management or policy decision.
Ecological Economic Practice: 3 credits
The full problem-solving process includes both credentialed experts and experiential knowledge in defining, analyzing, synthesizing, and communicating solutions. This hands-on course brings together students, faculty, and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and disciplines to address a specific local, regional or global environmental problem. Students learn to apply the principles and methods of ecological economics to messy, complex, real-world problems. Outcomes include collaborative research papers, grant proposals, and policy/management support.
Advanced Agroecology: 0-4 credits
An in-depth overview of research and applications in the field of agroecology, including current ecological and social dynamics in agricultural landscapes in Vermont and abroad.
See all Ecological Economics courses in the UVM Course Catalogue