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UVM Storage Solutions

UVM provides a number of file storage solutions available to all UVM affiliates. Storing your data in a university-approved location ensures that your data is protected, backed up, and that you will have support in case of accidental deletion or other loss.

What storage solution should I use?

User Data


This includes data for individual use such as work documents, pictures, videos, etc.

Recommended Solution

Microsoft OneDrive

Departmental Data


Departmental data is intended to be owned by the department and shared with individuals in that department.

Recommended Solutions

Microsoft Teams SharePoint Shared Drive

Research Data


Research data includes all data related to projects funded by research grants.

Recommended Solutions

Microsoft Teams SharePoint Netfiles Microsoft OneDrive

Storage Solutions by Content/Security Requirements

Content/Security Requirement Microsoft OneDrive* Microsoft Teams* Shared Drive Netfiles SharePoint*
User data
Departmental data
Research data (less than 1 TB)
Research data (more than 1 TB)
Low Risk1
Medium Risk2
High Risk3

Storage Solutions by Feature/Capability

Feature Microsoft OneDrive* Microsoft Teams* Shared Drive Netfiles SharePoint*
Sharing within department
Sharing across departments
Sharing externally 5
Simultaneous collaboration/editing
Mobile device Support
Accessible off campus (no VPN)
Accessible off campus (with VPN)
File Versioning/File History
Offline Access (local syncing of data)

* When logged in to UVM’s instance using UVM NetID
1 Low risk is data that is generally available publicly
2 Medium risk data is not generally available publicly
3 High risk data is protected data (“NPPD” per pp.1-3 of UVM’s Privacy Policy, except where Restricted as below)
4 Restricted data is data for which protections are explicitly prescribed by contract, regulation, or law (e.g., cardholder data/PCI-DSS, CUI/DFARS 252.204-7012, PHI/HIPAA) Please contact the Information Security Office if you need to store this kind of data.
5 Sharing externally managed via Globus

Updated on November 26, 2024

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